TITLE: PLAYING PARTNERS (1/4) AUTHOR: Shinkai E-MAIL ADDRESS: shinkai@mlode.com RATING: R for violence and sex CLASSIFICATION: CR SPOILERS: Little Green Men KEYWORDS: Mulder/Scully romance, Scully/other romance, alternate reality `Playing God' crossover SUMMARY: Special Agent Fox Mulder working alone on the X-Files is kicked out the FBI. Aimless, he finds himself working as a negotiator for a minor crime boss named Alex Krychek. Unfortunately Mulder begins to fall for Krychek's girlfriend, a beautiful pathologist named Dana Scully, then he gets an offer he can't refuse- DISCLAIMER: Some characters and situation depicted in this story are not the legal property of the author or her agents. This use is not intended to be an infringement on the rights of the legal owners. Use and distribution of this story is for entertainment purposes only. INTRODUCTION: If you have not seen `Playing God', don't worry the story still makes sense, maybe more sense then the movie. The format of the story, based on the format of the movie, involves short narrative voice-overs by Mulder. Much of the dialogue and the basic story thread were lifted from the movie but characters, phrases and events from the X-Files mythology were woven in PLAYING PARTNERS Mulder's narrative: "Sometimes we wonder how things come to be. The chain of events. `A' leads to `B' leads to `C' leads to `X'. We start on a journey with a clear goal in mind only to find the path leads into a maze and there's a turning point every step of the way. If we constantly stop to wonder if we're making the right decision, we'd be paralyzed so we forge on ahead and hope to whatever God we believe in that our instincts will see us through. "I was always told I had some of the best instincts in the business. So good they called me `Spooky'. Only problem was, I became so blinded by what my instincts told me that I ignored the facts. I couldn't see Reality for the Truth. So Reality gave me a swift kick to the head. A hard kick. I'd reached a dead end by my own choosing and lost faith in my ability to complete my journey. There was no one to trust not even myself. I gave up the Truth and settled for survival. But survival without faith or trust needs something to fill it, which I why I found myself in a place that capitalized on empty lives-" ________________________________ Mulder sat at the bar of a seedy topless joint that specialized in `entertainment for men.' Several women with various propositions, all in exchange for money, had already approached him. As far as he had fallen from grace, he still refrained from that particular distraction. The dancers and the general atmosphere of debauchery were enough. This was one of the few places he could lose himself and forget the life he was forced to leave. Here he didn't worry about tomorrow or the truths that he would never find. Mulder abandoned his intellect and his years of training as a psychologist and FBI agent. He simply sat there and watched half-naked women to satisfy his baser instinct. Mulder had lost count of how often he went to such places. What used to be an occasional distraction during down time between cases had become a full-blown obsession. Yet, he felt like he was there each time, waiting for something to happen that would change his life. Today, something did. There was a commotion at near the front door. Then he heard a woman scream. Out of habit, he leapt to his feet and reached for the gun he no longer carried. Realizing he was unarmed he still followed the sound until he found the source. A crowd had gathered around a heavy-set man holding one of the dancing girls at gunpoint. "That bastard double crossed me." the man raved to the crowd. "We had a deal then he backed out and set me up to get me out of the picture. Guess what? I'm back, you son-of-a-bitch." Mulder slowly moved to the front of the crowd that should have know better than to stand so close. The man pointed his gun at the bartender and shouted, "Where is he? I want to see Krychek, NOW!" The bartender ducked down and replied in a shaking voice "Come on, Jake. You know he's never here during the week." Sudden the man fired the pistol and the bartender dropped. The rest of the crowd finally retreated but Mulder rushed to the bartender's side and discovered he was not dead. The shot grazed his head and the wound was bleeding badly. "Just lie still." Mulder whispered. The bartender looked at Mulder then motioned towards a handgun he had been reaching for when the shot hit. "Hey, you!" Jake yelled at Mulder. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" Mulder quickly grabbed the gun and tucked it under his jacket as he spun around with his hands in the air. "I'm nobody. That's why I'm here." Mulder answered calmly. "Well, Mr. Nobody, get away from him." snarled Jake, as he waved the gun in the air. His hand tightened around the neck of the young girl he held captive as she was paralyzed by fear. Standing between Jake and crowd with his hands behind his head, Mulder looked squarely in his eyes. "Look, I don't want to get killed. I just came here looking for a cheap thrill." Mulder answered disarmingly as he sized up the assailant. "I don't even know who Krychek is." He continued as he remember the hostage-situation rule; As long as they're talking, they're not shooting anyone. Jake grunted and shook the girl. "Krychek owns this place. He owns these girls. He fucked me over and ratted me out. If he wants to play dirty, I'll show him how it's done." He held the gun to the girl's head when suddenly Mulder distracted him. "Jake! I believe you." he shouted. Jake turned the gun towards Mulder but the ex-agent continued to talk. "I know you don't want to hurt her. You just want some justice. He needs to pay for what he did to you." The man nodded and waved his weapon at the crowd. "That's right! He owes me!" Mulder drew closer to the man, watching the gun and girl, carefully planning his next move. "And you want revenge, don't you? Krychek needs to suffer. I'm I right?" he pressed on. "Yeah. He's the one that should suffer." Jake echoed. "Then let her go. She's a victim just like you. He uses her then cheats her out of the money she earns." Mulder's voice softened to a gentle plea. "Let her go, Jake. I'll go with you to see Krychek. We don't need her." Mulder watched his hand relax from around her neck. Mulder's mind raced hoping he could get this man in the open. Once outside they would be clear of most by standers and he could try to take him down. The blood pulsed in his veins as it had when this kind of confrontation was just busy as usual. The crowd held its collective breath then Jake suddenly let the girl go. She ran away quickly and Mulder moved to cover her flight in case Jake changed his mind and tried to shoot her in the back. "Let's go find Krychek." Mulder said, stepping within a few feet of the man and lowering his arms, preparing to draw the hidden weapon. Suddenly Jake saw something that distracted his attention from Mulder. A young red-haired woman was kneeling besides the wounded bartender, dressing the wound with a towel. Her actions had been hidden from view until Mulder moved. Jake shoved Mulder aside and rushed the woman. He forced her to lay face down and snarled "She's what I need. This will even the score." His weapon rose to get a bead in her head. With the gunman's back to him, Mulder drew the weapon and aimed towards him. "Let her go, Jake. I can't help you if you kill her." This time, Jake didn't respond. Mulder loudly chambered a new round and shouted "Jake! I mean it. Let her go!" The man looked over his shoulder and saw Mulder's gun. He turned to shoot at Mulder when the woman hooked his leg with her foot, causing him to go off balance just as he fired. The shot grazed Mulder's left arm but Mulder managed to return fire on target. Struck in the chest, Jake sank to the floor. Mulder scrambled to the young woman who was at the center of the fray. The redhead was checking Jake's wound as Mulder kicked his gun away. With the crisis passed, Mulder noticed how out of place she looked. Her simple majestic beauty, her business like clothing, and her selfless act of compassion were in sharp contrast to the gaudy setting. "What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?" Mulder asked flippantly. "Taking care of the mess you two made." She replied tersely. She paused to gaze at Mulder's arm. "You're bleeding." she stated matter-of-factly. Suddenly her intense blue eyes locked on to his and her voice softened to a caring tone "Are you going to be all right?" Mulder was stunned by the change in her demeanor. "Yeah. I think I can stop the bleeding." he mumbled, as he applied pressure to the wound. "Good then get out of here." she warned, returning her attention to Jake. "But what about him? I can't just leave him there. I can't leave the scene of a crime." Mulder responded automatically. "I'll take care of him. He'll live, I promise you that. Now, you need to get out while you can. No one here will call the police but someone else might have heard the shots." she said urgently. ____________________________________ Mulder's narrative: "My mind raced forward. Should I call the police? What would I say? -I lost control of a hostage situation. Hell, I wasn't even qualified to negotiate a hostage situation. So what else could I do? I took the woman's advice and got out of there. I heard her say thanks as I ran out the back door. It was enough to make my day. "Unfortunately, the rest of that night left something to be desired. By the time I got home, I realized how much I missed my job in the FBI. Sure, my co-workers called me names and my boss thought I was nuts chasing UFO's, but at least I tried to make a difference, I tried to find the Truth. And on a good day, I caught the bad guy and even saved someone's life. The only problem was, the truth I sought went way beyond what our justice system could handle. Alien abductions, government conspiracies, high level cover-ups. So I went beyond the system looking for the proof. The only proof I got was what a screw-up I was. If anything I discredited my own claims. The truth is still out there, but someone else will have to find it. It's not enough to be intelligent, brave and obsessed. You also have to be right." ______________________________________ Mulder felt empty and restless. To make matters worst, he still wanted the sexual gratification he sought when he entered the club. He hated to think he got off on armed confrontation but the demand for release was damn near unbearable. He flicked on one of his videotapes and watched for a few moments then closed his eyes and began to stroke himself through his jeans. His mind summoned up the image of the redhead who stepped into the action at the club. Before long the videotape was forgotten as his perfect memory of her bold actions excited him to climax. In the deep sleep that followed, the excitement was lost and his reoccurring nightmares invaded once again. First, he dreamed of the night Samantha was taken while he stood by helplessly. Then he was filled with the vision of Max Fenig as he was abducted. Next he recalled regaining conscious after a brutal beating, lying on a deserted road next to the body of his informant, Deep Throat, who had a bullet through his chest. His last words, "Trust No One." echoed in Mulder's head as he tossed and turned in his sleep. The parade of nightmares ended with his final days in the FBI. He dreamed of the alien that he thought he saw at Arecibo. When the alien vanished, the shock troops arrived and dragged him off to a cell where he as drugged and beaten. The next thing he knew he was in a mental ward in a Maryland hospital, labeled as a drug addict. Skinner blew his stack, saying he should have known because only a psychopath or someone on heavy hallucinogens would have come up with the ideas Mulder had. He called him a four-bagger and pulled his badge. Given his past transgressions, he had no recourse unless he submitted to an intense de-tox program for `impaired' agents. Fearing some kind of brain washing or mind wipe, he got out when he could, memory intact but spirit broken. Just as he groaned in his sleep expecting the nightmares to rerun once again, a new dream started. The redhead from the club was lying in a hospital bed in a coma. Mulder was sitting by her side, holding her hand with a sad, guilty look on his face. He heard himself say "I don't know if it makes any difference but I'm here." The dream jolted Mulder into consciousness. He had broken into a cold sweat and breathed rapidly trying to calm himself when, all at once, he realized there was someone in his apartment. He turned and saw a large dark man in a tacky leisure suit looming over him. Mulder saw the gun under the polyester coat so he stayed stilled. "Let's go. Someone wants to meet you." the man said ominously with a slight Latin accent. Mulder expected this kind of visitation while he was still in pursuit of the truth but now all he wanted was a good night's sleep. In his own charming way Mulder mumbled "Fuck off!" The man scowled, pulled out his gun and held it at his side. "I don't have time for this. Let's go." Mulder looked around his unkempt apartment. Take-out food wrappers piled on the coffee table, X-rated videos scattered on the floor, and dirty clothes draped over his computer. What used to be a bizarre but well ordered collection of information had turned in a monument to his apathy. "What the hell." he sighed as he stood up. "I could use the fresh air." __________________________________ Mulder's Narrative: "The worst part about a pointless life is that no one takes you seriously when you say you have to leave. So I followed this fashion impaired goon to a car waiting outside my apartment. He wasn't much on conversation or any other social skills, which is just as well since I was still half-asleep. He escorted me to a penthouse terrace at some posh apartment near Baltimore. It's amazing what a little change in perspective can do. Now I figured, that if I were an FBI agent investigating some heinous crime, right about now I'd start to worry about who brought me here and whether Uncle Sam made the payments on my health insurance. But since my life was basically in the toilet, I figured `at least I've got a great view. ' So I took a seat and looked out over the bay, wondering if my life was about to get better or worst. As it turned out, it just got `spookier'." __________________________________ Before long, a sliding glass door opened to reveal a man dressed sharply in black. Combined with his dark hair and dark eyes, he looked a like a walking shadow but his face was almost angelic. The smooth, olive skin and gentle angles made it impossible to guess his age, although Mulder figured him to be 5 to 8 years younger than himself. The younger man stared at his guest and Mulder felt like he was trying to steal his soul with his dark eyes. As Mulder rose to face him squarely, the man said thoughtfully "So you're Fox Mulder." "Are you going to hurt me?" Mulder asked cutting through the preliminary introductions. "Are you asking me because you want to fight or because you want me to?" he replied ominously. "I just want to plan my day." Mulder replied casually, but he was careful not to turn his back on the stranger. The younger man smiled and said "I was hoping you could fit some time into to your busy social calendar to met an admirer." Mulder raised he eyebrows making it clear that he didn't understand. "I heard about what you did last night and I wanted to meet you personally. You must have been one hell of FBI agent." This guy was beginning to irritate Mulder, as it became evident that he knew about Mulder's past and had some plan for his future. Mulder folded his arms in a defensive stance and said "Excuse me, but who the hell are you?" Extending his open right hand to Mulder, the dark-haired man replied "Krychek. Alex Krychek." Mulder hesitated to take the hand. "That was your club last night. You' re the guy he was so pissed at." "That's right." Krychek nodded. "And you're the guy who jumped in and saved my club and my people. I just wanted to thank you personally." Mulder knew that club was high on the sleaze list and it's owner had to be equally delightful. "Really? Then you have a real special way of thanking me. I wake up this morning to a Gorilla-gram with a gun and then get kidnapped and stuck out here with no way out but down." Krychek finally put his hand down. Mulder wasn't in the mood to make friends. "I have to apologize for Louis. He lacks subtlety in his work." He smiled slightly and continued. "How about a drink?" "No." Mulder grumbled as he wondered what this was really about. "What about something to eat?" Krychek offered, a friendly tone taking over his voice. "I'm not hungry." growled Mulder. "Look, you said you're bit. Can I go now?" Krychek opened the door and left it open. "I'm not stopping you." Mulder nodded and headed for the door. At the threshold, Krychek put his hand on Mulder's shoulder and said softly "I just want to do something for you. To say thank you." Mulder wondered why he felt so nervous around this man. What harm would there be in staying? Where would he go if he left? Nowhere but down. This was as good a `nowhere' as anywhere so Mulder sighed and said "Got any ice tea?" ______________________________ Mulder sat and sipped the ice tea as Krychek rambled on about how heroic Mulder was the night before. "You stepped in and took control, no fear, no hesitation. You had him. That psychology stuff has always fascinated me but I never dreamed it could be so effective." Mulder frowned. "Not that effective. What happened to Jake?" "He's recovering nicely. In a jail cell." Krychek answer with a wicked smile. Furious Mulder shouted "Listen, Krychek, I didn't plan on doing your dirty work for you. I was just trying to save some lives. Jake was right. You did set him up." Mulder got up and headed for the door in disgust. Krychek called out. "He was a violent criminal, right? He took hostages. He would have killed you and the others." Mulder stopped and looked squarely at his `host'. "If he's a criminal and you do business with him, what does that make you?" Krychek stared deep into Mulder's eyes and asked, "What does it make you?" Mulder sighed, knowing he had no right to judge anybody. He sat back down and drank his tea in silence. Krychek toasted him with his drink, a subdued signal that he'd won that round. Krychek broke the awkward moment. "Consider me your friend. If you need anything, just call. How's your stash holding out?" "Damn it, I'm not a drug addict!" Mulder roared. "They put that lie in my file!" The younger man calmed him down by apologizing quickly. "Fine, all right, sorry. I'll strike that from your file. What about women? You were at my club so I know you like women. According to my girls you've been there before. So what's your preference? Name it, it's yours." Mulder shook his head, refusing to consider how easy it would be to accept his offer. Suddenly, his mind clicked on the redhead who got involved last night but he was sure she was not one of Krychek's girls. She was something special. Just then, the same redhead walked in and Krychek greeted her with a very passionate kiss. Mulder stared at her as he realized she was Krychek's girl. Krychek took her hand and guided her to Mulder. "Fox Mulder meet Dana Scully." Mulder was dumbfounded but smiled for the first time that day. Krychek watched Mulder react to her and added slyly "Dana was very impressed by you last night." "I was very impressed by her." Mulder choked out still staring at the woman. "She saved my life." "After you saved hers." Krychek pointed out. "She's the reason I wanted to meet you, to thank you for intervening on her behalf." Krychek walk across the room and pretended to fix a drink as he watched the two interact. "I'm glad to actually meet you." Mulder said was he shook her hand. She smiled pleasantly and replied "I'm glad to actually meet you, Fox." Mulder chuckled. "Please, not Fox. I even made my parents call me Mulder. Just Mulder." She squeezed his hand and said brightly "Well, if you like you can call me Scully." They stood silently for a moment then she asked, "How's the arm?" "It bled a bit more last night but I bandaged it and it's fine now." Mulder said offhandedly. From across the room, Krychek suggested "Let her have a look at it. She's a doctor." Mulder looked at her with surprise and she nodded, as she indicated he should sit down if he wanted to be a good patient. The wound was high on his arm so she asked him to remove his shirt. As she slowly wrapped the dressing, she said "Actually I'm a pathologist. I do surgery on dead people and body parts." she teased "But don't take that to mean you have a poor prognosis. I am a real licensed medical doctor." "Does that mean you don't `play doctor'?" Mulder joked in return, as she gave him a wry frown. He knew he was flirting with the girlfriend of a minor crime boss but he didn't care anymore. "So am I going to live, Doc?" "Not if you keep making such dumb jokes." She answered with mock seriousness. Returning to a business like tone she announced "The wound is clean and the butterfly closures seem to be holding but because of its location I'd like to put in a couple of stitches so you don't tear it open again." Mulder agreed and she left to get her supplies. Krychek gave her another kiss as she passed him. He turned to Mulder and said "Dana's great. Around incidents like the one last night, she's amazing. She always keeps her head and takes care of the wounded." He sighed heavily as she passed him again, donning latex gloves and opening the suture kit. "She's a Goddess." Mulder said nothing but admired the Goddess tending to his wound. He refused a local anaesthetic and watched her deftly place the sutures. Turnings to Krychek, Mulder mused "Does she cook as well as she sews?" Krychek smiled with a lecherous leer. "Oh yeah, she cooks, all right. Very, very hot." Scully's face blushed slightly but she finished without another word. When she was done, she handed Mulder an envelope. "What's this?' he asked innocently. "Ten thousand dollar. Consider it workman's compensation for you job last night." Scully answered. Mulder handed back the envelope. "This is not a $10,000 wound." She refused the money. "You didn't go to the police last night and you knew you should have. I told you to leave for your own safety but it was really for our security. Alex only wants certain police in his clubs. You made yourself an accessory after the fact because you trusted me. That deserves something." Mulder looked at the envelope. It wasn't a bribe or a pay-off. It was a reward for doing what came by instinct. No one else appreciated his talents. Not the police and certainly not the FBI. And the reality was he was nearly broke and could real use the money. He saw a long dark road ahead, very different from the path he followed before. Then he looked at Scully and figured that at least this trip would have some decent company. He reluctantly shoved the envelope in his back pocket. Krychek came over and threw his arm around Mulder's neck in a friendly gesture." Don't worry, Mulder. It all clean money. It didn't come from prostitution or drugs or extortion. Just from guys like you who come to my clubs and buy watered down drinks so they can look at half naked woman and wish they all naked." "Thanks, Krychek. You really know how to raise a person's self esteem." Mulder grunted. Krychek took his arm off Mulder and smiled at him. "That's no life for you, Mulder. You can do better. You've got the skill and brains, and the balls to use them." "Forget it." Mulder shook his head and walked towards the door. He didn' t want to hear what Krychek had to say next, for fear that it might make sense. "Mulder, do you like basketball?" Krychek called out before he made it out the door. "We're taking the shuttle to New York tonight. I've got a meeting with some business associates and we're going to a Knick's game. I' d be grateful if you came along to keep Dana company while I conducted my affairs." Mulder began to wonder if Krychek was trying to conduct another kind of affair by pushing him and Scully together. Still, the offer was tempting. Krychek went on to tell him they had a suite to spend the night in New York and he was welcome to join them. That thought had too many possibilities for Mulder to ignore so he asked, "Is Smiley coming with us?" as he pointed to Louis. "Not if you're coming along." Krychek dismissed Louis, who grumbled and went into an adjacent room. "You have to pardon Louis. We used to be partners. But I showed some initiatives and took care of a few problems for our employer on my own. Our employer appreciated my forethought and gave me a few special benefits. That's how I started my own little business venture. Louis and I still do some work for our former employer but the rest of time, I pay him too damn well to quit. Call me sentimental but I like having him around." "Is that why you want me? For a body guard?" Mulder asked "No. I just want you for a friend. I like you Mulder. You're honest but you're no Boy Scout. My guess is if I get you're loyalty, I'll have it for life. Louis was never really my friend. I hope you will be." Krychek gazed at Dana and added, "I want you to be OUR friend." ____________________________ Mulder's narrative: "At that point, I should have taken the money and run. It sounded like he was proposing some kind of bizarre menage-a-trios with high capacity handguns and bondage. But the truth was I needed a change, and although Krychek was in the business of exploiting people, he seemed to genuinely like me. Maybe he sensed I'd stopped judging him. Who was I to judge anybody? Besides, the Knicks were doing great this season and he had courtside seats. And Scully promised to check my sutures." ______________________ (Continues in Part 2) PLAYING PARTNERS (2/4) Mulder met Krychek and Scully at the airport and Krychek greeted him like a long lost friend. When they arrived in New York, a driver met them led them to a limo. Two Russian-speaking men greeted Krychek with a hearty hug and they all went to the Madison Square Garden for the game. Krychek and his associates spoke in Russian, discussing something enthusiastically as if they were bartering. Scully sat besides Krychek who had his hand resting on her thigh. She seemed equally disinterested in him and the game. Mulder sat on her other side and ventured to cheer her up. "You know, basketball is considered a non-contact sport but if you ask me a bunch of guys running around in their underwear, pushing each other around trying to get a rubber ball constitutes contact." Mulder mused to her. She pursed her lips and raised her eye brows then said "Don't tell me. You enjoy playing basketball." He smiled. "Guilty as charged. Of course I don't play as rough as these guys, but I get my share of bruises." "My guess is you also get more pulled muscles as well." Her face looked deadly serious but her eyes betrayed her teasing. "I suspect you tend to play against younger men and act as cool as possible then go home and soak in a hot tub all night so you can walk the next day." Mulder laughed and replied "A hot shower, actually. What about you? What sports do you like?" He was feeling more at ease and almost forgot about Krychek until he intruded into their conversation. "She likes indoor sports. Don't you, baby?" Krychek answered as he kissed her and squeezed her thigh. She responded in way one could only describe as polite. Unsatisfied, Krychek roughly pulled her closer and kissed her harder until she began to sensuously rub her hands along his chest and abdomen. Krychek sighed "Hold that thought. I've got to close this deal first and I don't want to be rude to our guest." Krychek winked at Mulder who had been watching them intensely, growing somewhat aroused himself. Mulder turned away and pretended to be engrossed in the game. He avoided looking at Scully and didn't say another word to her until they left. He felt profound confusion at how this obviously intelligent and beautiful woman would be hanging around a hood like Krychek. The attraction appeared to be purely physical but she did not seem to be the type to center her life around sex. Mulder decided it was best not to make any guesses about her motives or her morals. Instead he decided to wait and see what happened. After they left the game, the Russians took them to their favorite club. Cleaner but just as sleazy as Krychek's place, they seem very proud of it. The three businessmen began to argue in Russian until Krychek told Scully to get rid of Mulder and dance with him `or something'. Obediently she took Mulder's hand and led him to the dance floor. Once they we're out of Krychek's sight, Mulder asked if she would rather step outside for awhile. She gratefully agreed. The night air was chilly but clear. Scully took a deep breath and leaned against the building and looked at the stars. "I read your file. It says you believe in UFO's." "I believe in a lot of things. Or at least I used to." Mulder said sadly, looking skyward. "I could never find any concrete proof. Just bits and pieces, strange ideas and theories." "If there was no evidence, why did you believe it in the first place?" she inquired. "I have an under-graduate degree in physic so I have a pretty good idea of what's involved in space travel. I mean logically, given the distances needed to travel through the far reaches of space the energy requirements alone would be-" "Conventional wisdom." Mulder interrupted. "I've seen cases, heard testimony that defy your logic. When convention and science offers us no answers, might we finally turn to the fantastic as a plausibility?" Scully bristled at his preaching. "The answers are there. You just have to know where to look." Suddenly she laughed. "I'm sorry, Mulder. I didn't mean to get into a fight with you. But I do think it's obvious that you still do believe." Mulder grinned at her observation. She was right; he did still have some faith left. "The answers ARE there; I guess I just stopped looking when I discovered I might never get the proof." "Do you think proof exists?" she asked curiously. "Yes but I'm not capable of finding it. I blew my chance and I paid the price. They beat me, they won, I finally gave up." Mulder confessed. Scully thought for a moment and offered softly "You still have your belief. It's worth something even if you're not willing to be a martyr for it." Mulder closed his eyes and sighed. Where was this woman when he needed her? If she had been with him, instead of Krychek, perhaps he would have had the courage to stand up to Skinner. Taking his hand, she asked quietly "What do you think you'll do now?" "I stopped thinking. I'm so damn intelligent I end up confusing myself." he mused. "I'm going on pure instinct but this time I'm keeping my eyes wide open to all possibilities, not just the ones I want to believe." He squeezed her hand gently. She nodded and gazed at their joined hands. "Let me know how it works out." She whispered. Just then Krychek burst out of the building. His eyes fell on their hands and he unconsciously gritted his teeth. They quickly released their grip. Krychek grabbed Scully, and pressed his body hard into hers, face to face. "Is Mulder being a gentleman?" he rumbled as he began to kiss and bite her throat and neck. She nervously said yes. "Good. I want to be able to trust him with my most prized possessions." Mulder thought the innuendo was demeaning but Scully appeared to be responding to his amorous advances. Mulder turned away upset that she was `his' but more upset that he was getting just as turned on as Krychek. They left shortly for their hotel and as soon as they arrived, Krychek and Scully hit the bedroom, never breaking their embrace. The door was left ajar and the guilty pleasure of voyeurism took a hold of Mulder as he listened to the heavy breathing and moans, as he stood at the doorway. Suddenly he realized it was only Krychek he heard. Scully was silent. Was her mouth responsible for his moans or was she just not as interested as she seemed? Mulder decided he was thinking too much again and went to lie down on the couch in the living room. Before along, he gave into the desire to masturbate as he imagined Scully leaving Krychek to join him, not just for the night but to stay with him until his faith was restored. He came to a powerful orgasm as his fantasy partner said "I wouldn't put my life on the line for anybody but you.." The morning sun pierced though Mulder's eyelids as he slowly rose from the couch. Someone had covered him with a blanket during the night, hiding all signs of his personal indiscretion. Adjusting his clothing, he yawned and stretched then staggered to the small kitchenette. There was fresh coffee brewing, some food on the table and Krychek grinning like a Cheshire Cat. "Dana had to leave early to catch the shuttle. She still has a day job." the young man announced. "You look like you didn't sleep to good. Sorry if we were too loud but once she gets going-" "Save it!" Mulder growled "I haven't slept well in years." Krychek nodded and handed him a cup of coffee. Mulder took a big gulp and asked "So now what? Can I go home now?" "Aren't you having a good time? Didn't you enjoy the game? Didn't you and Dana have a nice talk last night?" He licked his lips and said in a husky voice "What else do you want, Mulder?" Mulder wondered if Krychek got his kicks tempting other men with Scully or if he actually was coming on to him. Mulder took the initiative to change the subject. "I want the truth, Krychek. What do you want from me?" "The truth, Mulder, is I just want to be friends. Most of the people who I hang with are like Louis. No imagination. No vision. No sense of adventure. You're different. You live at the brink of madness and try to walk that thin line. You inspire me, Mulder. You're very visceral yet totally spiritual." He babbled on as Mulder listened, still waiting for a real answer. "They pushed you, knocked you off that tightrope you walk. I want to help you get back on. I want you to be my partner." "No," Mulder said flatly. "I was in FBI for six years. I can't just change just like that." "I'm not asking you to change. I want you to do exactly what you were doing before. I want you to do some investigation, a little negotiation, and an occasional enforcement. And if you want to chase UFO's again-Sure, what ever makes you happy." Mulder kept shaking his head but Krychek continued. "You'll only be taking care of my legitimate ventures. I have a lawyer that separates them out but I don't trust him. I want to trust you. Look, some of the people I do business with can't differentiate between a legally binding deal and blackmail, or they can't stand losing and they try to seek revenge. You have the skills to handle them. All you're doing is dispensing justice. Isn't that what you want - justice." Mulder worried as the words began to make sense. "I can't take the law into my own hands. I don't have the authority to act as judge, jury and executioner." "I'm giving you the authority. Mulder, these people are criminals, like Jake. If the law could have them off the streets, they would. Once you have them off my back, feel free to turn them in to the police but I can guarantee you, most will be back out in a few days unless you take drastic measures. That's the cost of justice, my friend." He held his hand out again urging Mulder to agree with at least in principle. Mulder just stared at the hand, knowing that everything Krychek said was true. Seeing his hesitation, Krychek made another offer, even more tempting. "Look as a sign of good faith, I want you to close this last deal with the Russians. I secured access and mineral rights to some land in Siberia, near Tunguska." Mulder's face lit up. Tunguska was the site of a 1908 not-yet-full-explained atmospheric explosion. Scientists have claimed that it was a meteor or meteor fragments but all the physical evidence never fit the theory. The popular belief was that it was some type of alien craft that exploded. Suddenly Mulder had a chance to start his search anew, as an independent agent without the impedance of rules and regulations. "There's one more thing you should consider. The only other person I trust to do this job is Dana. If things go bad like they did in the club the other night, she'll be the one in the line of fire. I don't want that, but I can't help it. Only you can." Mulder's brain screamed at him to say `NO' but his instincts told him to see this through because it was leading somewhere important. "What do you need me to do?" he asked seriously. Krychek smiled and clasped his hand on Mulder's shoulder. "There are a few details to settle but you shouldn't have any problem dealing with them. Then just give him the money and take the documents. It's all perfectly legal. You get another $10,000 as a fee and if you decide to stick around, you can join the team going there to examine the region. Or you can say good bye with no hard feelings. Deal?" Mulder nodded and got the rest of the information. . Mulder would pick up the money from five different banks then make the exchange in an upscale bar at 6PM. Once he secured the documents, he was to return to Baltimore and Krychek would meet him at the airport. Mulder was encouraged to verify for himself that the deal was legitimate. Krychek gave him some money to buy some new clothes and handed him a cell phone so he could stay in touch. Finally Krychek presented him with a handgun and a permit to carry a concealed weapon. "Just in case there's trouble, I expect you to handle it. It's only for self defense, of course." Mulder studied the permit and asked "How'd you get this in my name. I'm a known drug addict and a danger to myself, remember?" "Your FBI personnel records are sealed. You were hospitalized in Maryland but you live in Virginia, clean as a whistle. It's all perfectly legal. The right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. Isn't that why you left that system?" Krychek grinned. Mulder clipped the holster to his belt and mumbled "Yeah, but what did I trade it for?" Krychek smiled again "A chance to be a hero, a chance to find the truth." _____________________________________ Mulder's Narrative: "As I left the hotel, armed and dangerous once again, I considered my choice one last time. It was choice made by many in the past. To be a prisoner in heaven or a star in hell. The only problem is hell doesn't always look like hell, and I wasn't sure which place was which. Was hell Krychek's dark world of secret deals or Skinner's back room where the Cancer Man controlled the game? "I did figure out one thing. I still wanted the Truth about what happened to my sister and was willing to go to extremes to find it. I guess Scully was right about having some faith left. Now Scully - I wouldn't hesitate to join up as partners with her. Not because I wanted to sleep with her, but because she saw the part of me that I thought was long dead. The part that still wanted to believe." ____________________________________ Everything went as planned. Krychek had instructed Mulder to negotiate a few last minute details but Mulder handled his nervous contact with fluid ease. Once the deal was confirmed, Mulder made the exchange and left for the airport. In the cab, Mulder heard his cell phone ring. "Mulder, it's me, Scully. Listen careful." she said urgently. "Don't get on that plane. Rent a car and drive to the Adams Inn in Philadelphia. I'll meet you there." "What's going on? Does Krychek know about this? Did he set me up?" Mulder's voice grew rough with a growing rage. "No. Alex doesn't know yet but I'll take care of him." Her voice wavered slightly as she said "Mulder, the man you paid off was shot just after you left the bar. They didn't take the money. They wanted the documents." "How do you know about this? No one else would know I have the documents. Why would they let me get away?" Mulder pressed on. "I can't explain right now. You have to trust me." she pleaded. Mulder considered his options and decided that all things being equal he 'd trust her over anyone else. Mulder went on the defensive and his senses came alive. That's when he noticed the cab drivers ID photo didn't match his face. Mulder asked the driver to pull over so he could check something when suddenly the driver swerved the car throwing Mulder to the floor. Expecting such a reaction, Mulder drew his weapon and held it up as the driver leaned over the front seat with his own gun. Mulder fired one round that startled the driver and gave time for Mulder to bail out the door. When the driver jumped out to follow him, Mulder doubled back and drove off in the cab. In 3 hours, he arrived at the motel. The manager directed him to Scully's room and he was surprised to find Scully and Krychek there together. "You did good, Mulder." Krychek beamed. "I'm glad you didn't hang around and socialize or you'd be dead too. Can I have the papers?" Mulder handed the file to Krychek and told him about the cab driver. Krychek studied the papers careful while Mulder demanded some answers. "I told you. Some of the people I do business with can be a little crude in their methods. This was one of my competitors trying to muscle in on my deal. The best part is that tomorrow you'll register these papers and make it legally binding then their roughhouse tactics will be useless. See Mulder, all legal and proper." Mulder bristled "There a dead man because of you're little deal and I nearly got killed." "Look at the newspaper, Mulder. It's New York City." Krychek answered harshly. "Last night some guy was run over by a drunk driver, a clerk in an all night store was killed for $200 in cash and some beer, and a 65 year old woman was raped in her own apartment." Krychek watched as Mulder sighed in resignation. "Predators and prey, Mulder. I for, one choose not to be the prey. I intend to protect by interests. That's why I asked you to join me." Mulder shook his head in denial as Krychek said "Dana, cheer him up." Scully moved toward Mulder and put her arm around him. "Alex is right. There's nothing you could have done to stop it." Mulder closed his eyes and tried to ignore the rush of adrenaline he felt when she touched him. He hated to admit that it was just like being in the FBI, right down to the guilt he felt, as he consoled himself with the knowledge that he had done his job. "I think you should go home now." She handed him another envelope with $10,000 then the tone in her voice changed to a hard cynical timbre. "If you want to quit, now is the time. We can't waste anymore resources protecting you." Krychek pulled her towards him. "Dana, be nice to our friend. Don't make him think we don't care about what happens to him. We're going to be partners, aren't we, Mulder?" _______________________________ Mulder's Narrative: "I couldn't answer. What could I say? I had no chance of getting back into the FBI and nothing else had given me the sense of exhilaration that Krychek's little errand did. As far as I could tell, Krychek was telling the truth about the legality of the transaction and I was already in too deep to deny involvement. Plus I had the added incentive of continuing my search for the truth. The only problem was Scully seem to be at odds with herself on the issue of my presence. I wasn't sure if she really resented me and wanted to get rid of me, or if she really liked me and wanted to get rid of me. "Did I mention just how much this little adventure reminded of my old job? Skinner acted like he wanted to keep me out of trouble by keeping me away from the X-Files, either for my own good or for his own purposes. Scully was a little like Skinner, only a whole lot prettier. In the end, Skinner abandoned me and left me to the dogs. I wondered if I could piss off Scully just as easily. "Maybe the worst part of this future with Krychek was that, just like my past career, at some point, I needed to step beyond the boundary of what everyone else accepted and commit myself to my own code of ethics. Krychek seemed to know what motivated me and he pushed the right buttons. He could keep me up, walking on that tightrope and I would thank him for it. That's the problem with being a psychologist. I could see what was happening but I still felt compelled to follow my instincts. My instinct told me to tell Krychek to pick me up at 9 AM." _____________________________________ Krychek smiled with a boyish grin as Mulder gave in. He told him Louis would pick him up in the morning and cautioned Mulder to be careful just in case someone ID'ed him at the exchange. Scully offered Mulder her car to drive home, so they could ditch the cab before anyone could trace it. Mulder reluctantly agreed and Scully walked him out to show him the car. She took a small tackle box from the trunk and handed Mulder a pair of latex gloves. Mulder stared at the gloves and joked "Gee, Scully I hardly know you." Scully hid her smile and answered. "Put them on. There will still be trace evidence but I don't want your prints all over my car." Mulder was about to make a comment about her having Krychek's prints all over her body but settled for a slightly less volatile remark. "Why are you so dead set to make sure no one trace me to your car?" "I don't make it a habit to be closely associated with men who are always looking for a new way to screw up their lives." she replied curtly. Then she donned her own gloves and handed him a spray bottle and a cleaning cloth. "Here, help me. Take care of the outside." she ordered as she started to wipe his prints from the cab. Mulder helped and watched with fascination as she use a small vacuum to collect loose hair and fiber particles from the backseat. "You've done this before?" he asked. She nodded silently. "I know you're a pathologist, but how do you know so much about evidence collection?" "I studied forensic medicine at...while I was at school. And I've had a lot of experience, being with Alex." She sounded a little rattled but hid any true emotions. "I suppose `Alex' does the same for you. Does he try to keep you out of trouble or are you two partners, in every way." Mulder's tone was accusing and bitter. "You never answered my question - What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?" She took the bottle and rags from him and looked at him with fiery eyes that matched her hair. "You don't pass any character judgements on Alex. Why are you judging me? Are you projecting you own guilt by association with Alex?" Mulder shrugged and replied "No, you were right the first time. I'm just looking for new ways to screw up my life." Then Mulder climbed in her car and drove into the night. Mulder arrived at his apartment, depressed and tired. This dark life was no better than the one he had before. And there was no sign that he would stop making bad choices anytime soon. Just as he stepped in the door, he noticed a still figure in the shadow. Mulder rushed in and tackled him. Mulder struggled with him in the dark but finally pinned him to the floor and thrust his gun into his face. "SKINNER!" growled Mulder, as he lowered his weapon. "What are you doing here?" FBI Assistant Director Walter Skinner shoved Mulder back and said crossly "I came to give you a chance to help us out. Maybe even get you back into the Bureau." Mulder put away the gun but watched Skinner closely. "You don't owe me anything. And I sure as hell don't want to owe you." "Mulder, I just found out your medical record was falsified. You're no drug addict." Skinner explained. "But you are a liability to the Bureau as long as you take matters into your own hands. I think I can get you re-instated if you're willing to play by the book." Mulder ignored him and looked in his refrigerator, which he knew was empty. To his surprise, he found it well stocked with food and ice tea. There was a note inside from Krychek that read 'I always take care of my friends.' Skinner had obviously seen the note already. Skinner took a seat on the couch and said "I came to talk to you about your new best friend. Are you aware that he has ties to organized crime and may be involved in military espionage?" "Are you saying he's guilty by association? What ever happen to innocent until proven guilty? Oh now I remember. You work for the Federal government. The same people that gave us the McCarthy hearings, Gulf War syndrome and the Tax code." Mulder replied sarcastically, selecting a beverage from the fridge. "You want to talk about association? How about this? The man you met with this afternoon is dead. The driver of the cab you stepped into is dead. Some guy you shot in a bar is dead. Are you seeing the pattern yet?" Skinner threatened. Mulder refused to believe him but Skinner showed him photos of all the victims, including Jake whose death was ruled a jail cell suicide. "Is this your Truth, Mulder? Is this what you threw away your career for?" "Are you blackmailing me or asking for my help?" Mulder roared back in defiance. Skinner squared his jaw. "I'm asking you to listen. If you want to throw away your life that's your choice. I can't protect you unless you cooperate." Mulder knew Krychek was into the crime scene but he had no idea the FBI would be after him, for spying no less. If it were true, he and Scully could be brought up on charges of treason. Mulder didn't want to deal with Skinner but he had to know what was going on. "What do you have?" Skinner explained to Mulder that the land deal he closed gave Krychek a legal right to transport certain goods and scientific equipment from the US to Russia. The FBI suspected that Krychek planned to smuggle in stolen plans and weapons, then stage them at the site. From there he could hold an 'open auction' . The anomalous magnetic and electrical readings in the area made it impossible to monitor by satellites and the remoteness made infiltration difficult. But the CIA knew Krychek was just a flamboyant middle man for someone else. It was that someone else they were after and by entrapping him with the help of Mulder's testimony they hoped to secure his help in discovering who was orchestrating the operation. "You want me to be a snitch for the CIA?" Mulder shouted indignantly. Skinner didn't mince words. "That's right! In exchange for immunity and a chance for reinstatement in the FBI. Agent Gage of the CIA and I are heading up a combined task force to stop this traffic. Look, Mulder, we just need you as a material witness so that Krychek knows we can take him down. We already have someone inside his organization but I don't want to compromised that position until were sure he's committed." "But I don't know anything. Everything I've seen so far seems legal." Mulder argued. "That's why you need to go back and start asking questions. You be wearing a wire and once we get enough evidence that you can corroborate, we'll pick him up and put you under wraps." Skinner explained. "And if I say No?" Mulder asked, knowing exactly what the answer would be. "Then I'm authorized to place you under arrest for suspicion of murder, grand thief auto, accessory after the fact...shall I go on?" "I guess I'm your boy." Mulder sighed. "Are you going to tape the wire to my chest or stick it up my ass since you've got me bent over and taking it in there already." Skinner cracked a smile and replied "What every you think is the best position to hear Krychek confess his secrets to you." Mulder's Narrative: "I could have kicked Old Baldy in the teeth but the truth was he really was trying to help me. I had to say yes to him but I was determined not to play his game. If I got Krychek to stop liking me so much maybe he'd kick me out and Skinner would have to leave me alone. With any luck, they'd drop the idea of arresting me since it might `spook' Krychek. "Don't get me wrong. If Krychek were dealing in military secrets, I'd be more than happy to see him cringe under Skinner's thumbscrews. But up to now, he'd done nothing to me personally. Then there was Scully. If Krychek went down, she'd be right behind him and THAT just didn't seem fair to me. "Maybe I could convince her to leave Krychek before the Feds moved in. Maybe she could take up with me and do surgery on real live dead aliens. Maybe she'd come to her senses and tell all of us to leave her the hell alone so she could get a real life. "Life is all about choices. 'A' leads to 'B' leads to 'C'. And now I was making some serious choices that would lead to a future I could have never imagined." ____________________________ (Continues in Part 3) PLAYING PARTNER (3/4) The following day, Louis picked up Mulder as scheduled. The CIA had been by earlier and rigged a listening device on the reluctant ex-agent. A small transmitter was glued in Mulder's ear canal, making his balance and hearing a bit off. He hoped nothing exciting transpired because he was not prepared to fight in this condition. At least he had eaten well the night before, compliments of Krychek. Despite his deal with Skinner, Mulder was determined to get kicked out of Krychek's world, hoping that once he was of no use to anyone, everyone would just leave him alone. Mulder registered the papers as Krychek's representative then he and Louis returned to Krychek's new home - a condo in Arlington. Mulder guessed the shooting of the Russian prompted Krychek to keep moving. Mulder felt unusually tense and irritable. He figured it was because of the implant and that the mood might help to get Krychek pissed off at him. "It's all taken care of, Krychek." Mulder reported smugly, as he joined him at the dining room table for lunch and presented him with a packet of documents. "I think with hazard pay, today's errand was worth at least $5,000." Krychek laughed until he realized Mulder wasn't kidding. "All you did was sign papers. Besides, I sent Louis with you." Mulder smiled and replied "That was the hazard." Turning to Louis, Mulder commented "Too bad gorillas can't write. You might be able to get my job." Scully left the table, obviously disillusioned by Mulder's apparent greed, but Krychek only seemed amused. "Dana, honey, give him a break. Get him the money. He's never had the chance to actually get what he asks for before." Frustrated by Krychek good humor, Mulder tried again to get him mad. "Why don't you get off your lazy ass yourself? She's not your damn slave. Why are you trying to control her?" Krychek continued to chuckle. "Mulder, I think those weird dreams are getting to you." Mulder grew more manic by the second and he stood as his voice grew louder. "You have no concept of what those dreams do to me. They control my life. They make me see things and believe things that I can't explain. They make everyone think I'm insane." Mulder's mind exploded into a fury of painful memories of regret and resentment, as a wild rage boiled his blood. Grabbing Krychek by the collar, he yelled, "I am not insane! I know the truth and they don't want anyone else to know." Out in the street, the CIA and FBI agents monitoring the transmitter on Mulder were confused by his sudden erratic behavior and tapped Skinner's line in directly. "What the hell is he doing in there?" Skinner grumbled. "Get the back up unit. If things get ugly we need to our agents out of there." Bewildered by Mulder's outburst, Krychek looked to Scully to see if she could offer an explanation but she just stood there staring wide-eyed at Mulder. Louis seemed to have vanished from the room so Krychek surmised he would have to handle Mulder himself. "Just calm down, Mulder. I'll get the money and you can relax." "You think money will solve everything, don't you Krychek?" Mulder raved like madman. "You can't buy the truth, Krychek. You can't own it." "Mulder, listen to yourself." Krychek said firmly. "You're not making sense. Just let me..." His sentence was cut short by a violent blow to the head that sent him tumbling. Mulder seized him and threw him against the wall. Krychek reached under his jacket for his gun when suddenly the packet that Mulder brought exploded. The blast knocked them both to the ground and the gun flew across the floor. Mulder swore "You rat bastard! You were trying to kill me!" as he scrambled for the gun. Krychek was too dazed to stop him and was soon looking down the barrel of his own weapon. "Tell me the truth, Krychek. What do you want with that land in Russia?" Mulder screamed as he threatened Krychek. The blast damaged the transmitter and Skinner called the back up unit to take their positions. The CIA agent in charge of the operation, Gage, ordered them to hold until they knew if Krychek was killed in the blast. "Damn it!" Skinner yelled "I've got two agents in there..." Gage interrupted. "Correction - you have two former agents in there. Both screw-ups and both expendable. I need Krychek alive. We hold until we can get a clear picture of what the hell is going on." Skinner had no choice but to wait. Krychek finally saw Louis from the corner of his eye so he tried to distract Mulder. "Look, Mulder. I have no idea what you're talking about..." "Then shut the fuck up!" Mulder shouted aiming the gun at Krychek. "You're the one that deserves to die, you son of a bitch." Suddenly from across the room, Scully called out "Put the gun down, Mulder!" She had the sights of her own weapon trained on Mulder Mulder trembled violently with anger. "He's the one responsible! They control him now he controls us." Scully saw Louis aiming at Mulder as well. He had a clear shot but seemed to be waiting for something. It was obvious to her the Mulder was suffering from some kind of psychotic event and that he needed help. But she had to stop him from killing Krychek. Turning her weapon on Krychek, she called out. "I've got him, Mulder. Put the gun down." Mulder sighed and began to relax then Krychek looked at Scully and smiled. Mulder totally snapped and shouted "Leave her alone!" Just as his weapon came to level and his hand flexed to fire, a shot rang through the room. But it was Mulder, not Krychek who took the bullet. Krychek panted with relief as he saw Scully dart out. She fixed her sights on where she had last seen Louis but he was gone. As she went to check Mulder, Krychek exclaimed "Dana, you saved my life!" Ignoring Krychek, she carefully took the gun away from Mulder as she examined the wound and checked his vital signs. "I think he's under the influence of a psychoactive drug. He sounded like he was suffering from paranoid delusions." she stated with clinical precision. Krychek caught his breath, stood up and replied "So he really is a drug addict." "I'm not sure." she responded cautiously. "But I do know we need to get out of here. Louis was waiting for Mulder to shoot you and now he's gone. He handled that package after Mulder signed the papers. He's the one that wants you dead." "Fuck! That son-of-a-bitch!" shouted Krychek. "Let's go." he said, grabbing her hand. "We can't leave him." she implored pointing towards Mulder. Krychek swore several more times but helped her carry Mulder's body to the garage. Throwing Mulder in the back seat, they jumped in the car and raced off. The CIA agent, seeing Krychek was still alive, ordered everyone to hold position as Skinner protested, concerned about how Mulder fared in the fray. They finally entered the building once Krychek's car was out of sight. There were signs of the bomb blast and Mulder's blood stained the carpet but no one was left inside. Skinner studied the patterns of petit bloody footsteps. he concluded but stayed quiet knowing that was the last thing the CIA agent in charge wanted to hear. Krychek drove dangerously fast with no destination in mind. Normally, Krychek handled violent confrontation without a second thought. After all, he and Louis had been trigger men for the Consortium. How ironic that he protected the very Truth that Mulder sought. But that was why Krychek was panicking now. Even though Mulder seemed drugged up, it was obvious he had made the connection, which made him dangerous to everyone involved. Krychek had hoped Mulder could be convinced to join him in a private power play to blackmail the Consortium. The land acquisition in Russia was just the first step. But now Mulder was out of control and Louis was still working for the Consortium, planning to execute both Mulder and Krychek. Looking over his shoulder, Krychek saw the back seat covered with blood as Scully tried to examine Mulder's wounds. Krychek sighed as he wondered if he could still trust her. "How is he?" he asked anxiously. "He lost a lot of blood. It doesn't look good." Scully replied grimly. Mulder was barely conscious and continued to thrash weakly, trying to get away from her. "I'm giving him an injection of morphine to keep him quiet." As she gave the shot, she leaned close to his ear and whispered "I'll try to get you out of here." The combination of the narcotic and her reassuring words made Mulder calm down as he laid still across the seat. "I'll take care of him." Scully announced calmly. "If he lives, I doubt he' ll remember anything. If he dies, I can take care of the body. Alex, you need to get clear of this. You can risk police involvement." "Shit!" exclaimed Krychek. "I can't just run-I can't leave you. And what about Louis? He still wants us both dead." "I'll be fine. You're the one they're after." She advised Krychek to grab a car and go underground for a few days. She promised to contact him in three day at the nightclub. He suddenly pulled over and jumped out of the car. He open the backdoor and shouted "Mulder, you dumb fuck! You could have had it all but now you screwed us all over. I wish she blew your fucking head off!" Scully slid out of the car and Krychek reached for her. "Don't touch me. I'm covered with his blood." she cautioned. Krychek nodded and said softly "I won't let you go down for what happen to him. When you call in three days, I'll take care of things. Everything will be just like we planned it." Then he ran off, doing what he did best; he disappeared. Scully breathed a sigh of relief then checked Mulder again. He was fading in and out as he heard her tell him that everything would be fine. Krychek was gone and she would take care of his wound. Mulder somehow knew he could trust her and slipped deeper into a drug induced stupor. He looked blearily at her and asked "Who ARE you, really?" She smiled slightly and placed her jacket over him. "Special Agent Dana Scully, FBI." Mulder closed his eyes, and despite his pain, he smiled back at his `partner' then lost consciousness ________________________ Mulder regained consciousness in strangely familiar bed. Scully sat at his side, gently removing the bandage from the gunshot wound to his shoulder. He coughed a bit and she handed him a glass of water. "So `Agent Scully', want to tell me what's going on?" he finally said. "Actually, I'm on probation and after what I did to get you out of here, I doubt I'll be reinstated." she replied seriously as she tended the wound. He winced in pain then, as if he suddenly recalled the preceding events, he said woefully "Scully, you shot me." She brushed back his hair that draped over his eyes and answered firmly "Yes, Mulder, I did. If I hadn't, you would have killed Krychek in cold blood, and then Louis would have killed you. Besides if you used that weapon to shoot Krychek, it would have been difficult to prove you didn't kill the Russian and the cab driver." "You mean Krychek killed them?" She nodded. "I didn't know about it until after you left us. He did to make you more suspicious of others and more dependent on him for protection. He had no idea you'd get so paranoid that you'd try to kill him." Mulder remembered the wild state of mind that over took him. "Did Krychek drug me?" "No. I think it was Louis." She explained "He laced your drinks and food with a potent hallucinogen. I checked your apartment and took a sample of the food he left for you. I still have a few friends in the FBI lab and they analyzed it for me. I think he was trying to get you to kill Krychek for him." Mulder sat up slowly and asked, "How long was I out?" "Thirty hours. I had to sedate you until the drug cleared your system. Luckily I also found the keys to this place in your apartment. It's the perfect hide out." Suddenly Mulder realized why the room looked so familiar. It was his Dad's summerhouse. "Dad told me never to bring girls up here. He said I'd get a whipping if I ever did." he joked. "Don't worry. I brought you, remember? Besides I think you've had enough punishment for now." She finished dressing the wound. "It could have been a lot worst. The bullet went clean through without shattering the bones or severing an artery." "I guess I'm lucky you're a good shot." He grinned broadly at her and took her hand. "Or a really bad one." She laughed then told him to rest while she got him something to eat. She came back shortly with food and she shared her story with her new `partner'. "I had recently graduated from the Academy at Quantico and was working in the labs as a forensics specialist, when I met Alex. I had no idea he was into anything illegal but after a few weeks, it started to get pretty obvious he had something to hide. Then I made a serious error in judgement. I had to delay an autopsy because he said he needed to see me right away. He told me basically the same line he told you - that I could have anything I wanted, that he wanted me to be his partner. At first I thought he as proposing marriage then I realized it was a business proposition. I said I' d think about it and left. When I went to do the autopsy, the body was gone. He'd used me to get rid of some incriminating evidence and my supervisor accused me of conflict of interest. I was placed on probation and questions regarding my loyalties were raised. "That's when Skinner approached me with a deal. The CIA had been trying to find a way to get an agent close to Krychek but he was very cautious. In retrospect, I think Alex picked me to get an inside line into the Bureau. He never guessed that I would betray him. But that's exactly what I did. Any offical connection to the Bureau was severed and I played the disgruntled ex-agent. He accepted me with open arms and I became an integral part of his organization. I've spied on him for almost two years now and I have no idea if anything I've done has made a difference to national security." Mulder could see the pain in her face, remember those two years. "I can 't believe Skinner made you sleep with that bastard. "No, I was already intimate with him." she confessed. "Then it became the easiest way to earn his trust and maintain his confidence in me. I'm not heartless. I do care about Alex. Maybe I secretly wish he'd suddenly realize that what he was doing was wrong and he would make amends by helping me uncover the conspiracy." She began to cry but tried to hide her face. Mulder tenderly wrapped his arm around her and pressed her head to his chest. He whispered "Is that why you risked everything to save me?" "I just wanted to know that for once, I made a difference to someone. I wanted you to know, you could trust me, always." she sobbed. He softly kissed the top of her head. "I do. And that's what saved me." Mulder held Scully for what seemed like an eternity. Two years of pent-up guilt flowed from her heart, leaving a very vulnerable woman in his arms. This was a wet dream come true for Mulder but all he felt was a profound and deep caring for the woman that protected him and that he would protect in return. He spent the night telling her about the X-Files and about Samantha. Although she was skeptical of his theories, she promised that as long as she was able, she would help him to find the truth. Fate had brought them together and made them partners. ________________________________ Before long, it became clear they would have to make some decisions. They knew if they called Skinner, they could both be up on Federal charges since neither one had kept their end of the bargain. They couldn't go back to Krychek and play his game of power struggle, knowing that national security and people's lives were at risk. "I hear Brazil is nice this time of year." Mulder joked. "I've got $10,000 in my back pocket." Scully laughed and said "Never mind that. I have $100,000 in my car. Don't forget that I was in charge of laundering the money." Mulder chuckled then settled back for some serious thinking. "We both want back into the FBI, or at least stay out of prison, and the only way to do that is to make Skinner and the CIA happy. The only way to do that, is to get Krychek for them." "That means we have to keep Alex from getting killed and make sure Louis doesn't come after us. Not to mention, hiding from the CIA, the FBI and the Arlington Police" Scully added. "Let's start by not getting anyone else pissed off at us." Mulder suggested. "Meet with Krychek and tell him I'm dead and that you discovered the transmitter on me. You should be able to convince him that I was working for the FBI but I gave into my drug addiction when he gave me such large sums of cash. Claim you need his protection...he'll really go for that- and demand to get out of the country. Let him suggest where you should go because it might lead us to overseas contacts. Ask him to personally make the arrangement and offer to transport any sensitive materials." Scully completed the scenario. "In the meantime, you'll get word to Skinner and once he stops yelling, you can tell him when and where to intercept Alex engaged in transporting illegal goods overseas or, if we're really lucky, he'll be trading in military secrets. At which point, the calvary rides in and picks him up. They can work their own deal with Alex directly and they'll have to reassign us regular duty since he won't trust us anymore." "On the other hand, they could still throw us in jail for running out on them." Mulder smiled "Look on the bright side. We could ask for adjoining cell. After all, you are my doctor." "But I'm a pathologist. They'll probably only let me work on you if you' re in pieces." "You can have everything but my heart. I might need it someday." he answered jokingly then wondered if he hadn't already given her his heart. 1 She seemed to hear his thoughts and answered sincerely "I have your respect and your trust. That's all I need. For now." ________________________________________ Mulder's Narrative: "At this point, I was thinking that despite the holes on my shoulder and being on the run from Krychek and half the Federal government, this was quite possibly be the best day in my life. Someone thought my life was worth saving, and not just anyone. Krychek called her a Goddess and I was inclined to agree. She was the Goddess of Faith and that day she saved my life and in doing so, restored my belief that I had a purpose in life. "It may sound like I fell in love with her but what I felt went way beyond romance or sex. I can't describe it in conventional terms but it was like she was a part of me, a missing piece that found its way back to me. She was my vital link to the rest of the mankind, my human credential. I never stopped to think that she may have meant the same to Krychek." ___________________________________ (Continues in Part 4) PLAYING PARTNERS (4/4) Scully met with Krychek as planned and he nearly fainted at the sight of her. She looked totally exhausted and frightened, so unlike the powerful, in-control woman he loved. She cried in his arms telling him of Mulder's death and her flight from the police. He believed her story without reservation although she felt guilty lying to him once again. It eased her mind a bit to think that in a way she DID kill Mulder, the Mulder that would have sold his soul and slipped into Krychek's world. When Scully asked Krychek to help get her out of the country, he did something she and Mulder couldn't have predicted. He made arrangements to meet with a representative of the `his former employer' to appease them. He planned to offer to relinquish the land in Russia and abandon his move for power in return for Scully's safety and immunity. When Scully contacted Mulder and told him of Krychek's plan, Mulder realized Scully would be trapped in the dark underworld indefinitely. She insisted that he call Skinner anyway, because for her to continue her undercover work, they would have to protect Mulder, maybe even give him a new identity. He would have a fresh start and she still promised to forward him any information that might help him find out what happened to Samantha. Mulder felt terribly alone again as he realized there was no other alternative. Skinner and Gage arrived at Mulder's `hideout' raging mad but once Mulder explained the situation, Gage seemed pleased. Scully's position was firmly cemented and if she could make the right contacts, they might not even need Krychek's cooperation. Skinner voiced concerns about leaving Scully `in' for so long but Gage disregarded him and just told him to arrange witness protection for Mulder. Mulder was still the ace-in-the-hole Gage needed to bargain with Krychek if Scully failed. Mulder demanded to be allowed to contact Scully. Skinner took him aside a reminded him that unless he told them exactly when and where Krychek and Scully were meeting the contact, they couldn't protect her. Mulder just laughed knowing they wouldn't intervene to protect her but he also knew it was a risk she chose to take herself. After he gave Skinner and Gage the details, Mulder was `escorted' by two agents to a safe house until things settled down. After the meeting, Skinner and Agent Gage made arrangement to set up a surveillance unit to monitor the meeting between Krychek and his contact. Gage had no love for Mulder or Scully and he thought Skinner was foolish trying to protect them. Gage had only one objective. He wanted to get Krychek by the balls and work him for every dirty job he was worth. The two ex-agents were marginal at best as covert operatives but Krychek had all the makings of a first class double agent. His only weakness was that when he took a liking to people, he trusted them automatically but if he felt betrayed, he'd go wild with vengeance. Krychek liked Mulder but he loved Scully. Gage knew that if Mulder went out of control again, he'd get loose and would try to contact Scully. Krychek would know she lied, the ex-agents would both be dead and Gage would be back at square one. Gage suddenly thought of scheme to get Krychek's cooperation but it meant Scully would most likely be killed. Without a second thought, Gage immediately put his plan in motion. After an exhausting session of answering Krychek's passions, Scully slept restlessly at his side. Krychek still felt unsatisfied. He enjoyed playing to an audience and Mulder was the most receptive one he'd had in a while. It was too bad she had to go and kill him. Just then the phone rang and he picked it up immediately. He said nothing since no one was suppose to know this number. "Alex, this is your old friend Agent Gage." a clam voice said over the phone. "How the hell did you find me this time." Krychek answered. "You know that pretty little thing sleeping next to you-" Krychek growled "You leave her alone! You fucked up her life enough already. She's with me now." Gage laughed to himself at how naïve a hardened criminal could be. "I' m not the one that fucked with her. Your other `fallen angel' had that honor. Mulder's alive, Alex." Scully stirred so Krychek took the phone into the next room. "You lying son-of-a-bitch! Dana would never lie to me." "Not only did she lie to you, she cheated on you and now she and Mulder are going to turn you in. She's got all your money and once you're out of the picture, they're gone." Gage painted a very believable picture but Krychek refused to accept it. "How do you think I got this number, Alex? You want more proof?" He played a tape recording of Mulder's conversation with him and Skinner but was careful not to let him hear too much. Krychek was stunned. "I can't believe Dana would sell me out-" "She sold us both out. Look Alex, you know I don't want you. I want the people you work for. So here's the deal, you get me what I want and you get to walk away clean. Plus you get Mulder on a silver platter to do whatever you want." Gage said calmly. "I don't trust you but it sounds like I don't have much choice." Krychek sighed. He took the details from Gage but all the while he was planning his own scheme. ______________________________ The next morning Scully awoke to the Krychek's rough kisses. "Wake up, baby. Today's the big day. You get to meet some old friends of mine." He tossed a dress on the bed and ordered her to put it on. It was one of the dresses that his call girls wore. She started to protest but he grabbed her and whispered hoarsely "I want you to make an impression on them. Like you did on Mulder." Scully shuttered as he said Mulder's name. Something had gone desperately wrong but she had no alternative except to play along. He didn' t take his eyes off her for a second as she dressed. He didn't even let her shower because he wanted her to smell of the sex they had the night before. He removed the handgun from her purse and then slipped his own pistol under his jacket. He crudely leered at her and said "Its time to see just how far you're willing to go for my protection." _________________________________________ Meanwhile, Mulder paced in small bedroom of the safe house with the two agents, waiting for word from Gage. The CIA agents teased him about his `spooky' reputation but he ignored them, anxious for any word of what happened to Scully. "Relax, Mulder. The little green men aren't going to come for you." said one as he turned to his partner and said "Geez, they'll let anyone into the FBI." Mulder overheard him and replied "Well I applied for the CIA but I was rejected on the grounds of moral principles. They found out I had some." The agents sneered and changed tactics. "You know, we've been watching your little redhead friend screw Krychek blind for the last two years. So tell me, does she put out for any asshole or just the really fucked up ones?" Enraged by their stupidity, Mulder pushed the agent against the wall and threatened to hit him when the other agent pistol-whipped him from behind. Mulder dropped to the floor when suddenly the door flew open and gunfire filled the air. The lifeless bodies of the two agents fell to the floor beside Mulder. He grabbed the gun and crawled under the bed. One of the shooters he recognized as the bartender from Krychek's bar. The other man was one of Gage's men. "You damned amateur. You killed everyone but Mulder. Find him!" the CIA agent ordered. Krychek's man panicked. "Shit! Where is he? Look in the closet!" Just then Mulder made a dash for the door, which they had left opened. Krychek's man yelled, "Come on! Let's get him." The CIA agent said "Sorry, you had your chance." and shot him square in the chest. He calmly picked up a radio from the table and said "Operations, the is Position 1. We have a shooter. One of Krychek's came to get Mulder. Two agents and the shooter are down. Mulder fled the scene." "Damn!" exclaimed Skinner. Gage half smiled and said "I warned you. Mulder is not stable. He's going to blow this whole operation." Just then Skinner's cell phone buzzed. He answered and immediately heard Mulder's exasperated voice. "It's me. What ever Gage is telling you is a lie! His agent led the shooter to me. He's probably got Scully set up too." Skinner said nothing and eyed Gage. "You have to trust me, Sir. For Gods Sake, I can't screw up this one." Skinner quietly said "I understand." then hung up. "Agent Gage, it appears our operation is compromised. We need to abort." "No way! I've been on Krychek's ass for three years trying to find out who he works for. No fucking rogue agent is going to stop me." Turning to the agent operating the communication panel he ordered "Tell everyone if they see Mulder, shoot to kill." "Belay that order!" shouted Skinner. "Gage, I'm placing you under arrest for conspiracy to committee murder, obstruction of justice and extortion." The command center turned deathly quiet as Gage screamed "I'm in charge here! You can't do that!" Skinner drew his firearm and pointed it at Gage. "The hell I can't." Skinner said seriously. The agents in the room, a mixture of FBI and CIA, were unsure what to do but everyone had their hands on their weapons. "Order all units to hold position and do not, I repeat, do not intercept Mulder. Intervene only if gunfire is heard. Notify the D.O.J. of our little argument. We need a decision immediately." "Skinner you're career is going in the toilet, just like Mulder." Gage hissed. "Coming from sewer scum like you, I'm not too worried." he replied confidently. ____________________________ Krychek lead Scully to the private office he arranged for the meeting. In the elevator, he pawed her coarsely as he whispered "They're every where, Dana. Watching our every move. Why don't you put on a show for them." "Alex, what are to talking about?" she asked tersely pushing away his hands. "All your buddies in the CIA and FBI. I know they're here. All except Mulder, of course. He's dead." Krychek said coldly. "Right? You told me so yourself." Her face turned white and she drew a sudden gasped. "Oh my God, what have you done?" The elevator stopped and he pushed her out. He grabbed her neck from behind and said, "Can't talk now. It's show time." ________________________ Mulder approached the command post and Skinner ordered them to let him in. "We're at a deadlock, Mulder. He just entered the building with her but I won't take anymore action without clearance from the Director. You're on your own." Mulder nodded and but just before he left, Skinner handed him is badge and gun. "Here, you might need this." Gage yelled "Skinner! You have no right-" Mulder landed a solid punch to Gage's jaw, sending the man staggering, then ran of to the building to get Scully. Once in the building he saw a security guard by the elevator. Flashing his badge, Mulder announced. "Mulder, FBI. Is there a way to get this to the 14th floor without stopping to pick up passengers?" "Yes, Sir! I can over ride the select buttons." he replied eagerly. "Then take me there." Feeling a just bit cocky with his badge back, Mulder added. "You're doing a great job. Keep it up." _________________________________ When Krychek and Scully entered the office, they saw a cloud of smoke hovering over a desk. There sat the Cigarette Smoking Man and behind him stood Louis. "Alex, it's good to see you haven't lost your charm with the ladies." the CSM said pleasantly. "When you said wanted make an exchange, I assumed you had some real estate in mind, not a pound of flesh." "Cut the bullshit and listen." Krychek demanded. "I've got a deal you can't refuse. Dana and I are getting married and I want a little wedding present from your people. We need secure passage to Kazakhstan. Once we're there, and I've met my contact safety, you get the land but I still get the money. Then you say good bye and leave us alone for our honeymoon, and for the rest of my life." CSM took a long drag then asked "And just what are you bargaining with besides that pitiful plot of land?" "The Truth. If I so much as break a finger, everything I know goes out to the FBI, the CIA and even the Washington fucking Post." Krychek threatened. "But who will listen? You killed Mulder." CSM pointed out. "Well right now there a shit load of Federal agents waiting for my signal to come in a wipe that fucking smirk off you're face." Krychek smiled confidently. "Look again, Alex. I think you'll find that the operation has been suspended. That is, of course, until you try to take Miss Scully here away, by force." Krychek began to look worried and the CSM patiently continued. "On the other hand, if you'd like to set a good example by handing over the rights for the land, I think we can see our way clear to let you leave alive." Krychek looked out the window and there was no sign of the back up that Gage had promised. "You fucking bastard!" he shouted. The CSM's face turned to stone. "Just who do you think you're dealing with, Alex? The Mob? International Terrorist?" He looked at Scully and said nothing more. Krychek didn't bother to answer except by opening fire manically. The CSM fell away but Louis returned fire rapidly. Pushing over the table for cover, Krychek grabbed Scully and made a run for the door. Suddenly another gunman appeared at the door away. Krychek fired point blank into his chest. Scully gasped as she saw he was wearing a government issued tactical jacket. More figures moved in the hall and they were pinned down at the doorway. Suddenly she heard a familiar voice. "Hold your fire! Agent in the cross fire!" Mulder shouted. "Mulder!" Krychek shouted. "What the hell does it take to kill you?" As Mulder moved in line with the other agents, he saw the outline of Louis through the glass partition next to the doorway. He was raising his weapon to fire so Mulder shot through the partition. Louis collapsed in the shattering glass but the distraction gave Krychek a chance to run to fire escape, dragging Scully with him at gunpoint. One CIA agent took aim and fired, just as Mulder pulled him off balance. "What the hell are you doing?" Mulder shouted. "You could have got her killed." "I'm just following orders." he replied coldly. Mulder realized Gage may have given preemptive shoot-to-kill orders and knocked the agent out cold with a blow to the head. Mulder tried to open the fire escape door but Krychek had blocked it so he jumped in the express elevator to the main floor. Just then the team leader announced "AD Skinner is now in command. All units cease fire!" Out in the command post, all hell was breaking loose. Once they received the orders that Skinner was in charge, Gage and two of his men went berserk. They escaped the trailer and headed for the building. Skinner rapidly issued orders for all units to intercept and detain Krychek, Gage and his agents, and anyone in or around the meeting room. He warned that if Scully was sighted with any of these targets, consider her a hostage and take all measures to ensure her safety. Word came down from the 14th floor that Krychek had Scully and they were headed down the stairs. They reported one agent was seriously wound, shot by Krychek and Mulder rendered another agent unconscious. All they could find in the office was the body of unknown assailant killed by Mulder. Skinner warned all units to stay clear of Mulder, that he was acting directly under his orders. Skinner guessed Krychek was making a run for it and alerted all mobile units to cover the garage. Mulder's elevator reached the ground floor and as the door opened he was face to face with Gage. He slammed his fist into his face once again then fought of the two agents at his side. The Security Guard jumped in and helped subdued them. Mulder yelled, as he ran towards the exit, "Thanks. Take their guns and sit on them until I get back." "Yes, Sir!" replied the excited guard. _______________________________ Krychek made Scully hand cuff herself behind the back and buckled her tight into the car. "Sorry. I know you're not into bondage but I can't afford an accident today." Krychek said as he tried to kiss her. She struggled against him and he smiled. "I know we can work this out. We just need some time alone." Then he jumped in the car and raced off. Two identically cars followed him out of the garage. "Shit!" Skinner swore. "He's pulling a 3 car Monty. Everyone grab a car and stick with it." The weaving in and out of traffic made it almost impossible to follow the order. Mulder caught up with the chase and watched the cars carefully. Although he couldn't see the driver or passenger, he picked the car that did the least amount of sharp maneuvering. Krychek was flamboyant enough to hire professional drivers for the other chase cars, but his agitated state made his driving jerky and distracted. When the cars broke away, Mulder knew which one to follow. Krychek watched in the rear view mirror and as Mulder raced to catch him. "Mulder is really stuck on you, Dana. You must have given him some very special care." he teased. Scully watched helpless as the car flew dangerously through the streets. "Stop the car, Alex. You can't get away!" Krychek laughed. "That's crazy. Of course I won't get away if I stop the car. Look, I went through considerable expense to make this a decent car chase." Suddenly the car clipped a parked car and skidded sideways out of control. Krychek used the skid to go around a turn and the FBI car following him cracked up. "See, Dana. I can get away. You have to have faith in me." Just then he saw Mulder approaching from behind. "You know, our marriage is really going to have some problems if you let him hang around all the time." "Krychek, you're insane. I'm never marrying you!" Scully shouted. Krychek reached over to fondle her as he drove at breakneck speed. "Don 't tease me. I know you want it. You're not that good of a lair. I love you, Dana and if I have to kill Mulder ten times over to prove it I will." Suddenly, he stopped the car in the middle of a bridge spanning the Potomac. He pulled out his gun and loaded a full clip. "This won't take long. Don't go anywhere." Krychek saw Mulder stop behind him. Krychek planned to fire directly through his windshield but as Krychek stepped from the car, Mulder punched the gas, and sped past him, tearing off the door of Krychek's car. His gun went flying across the roadway and Mulder stopped the car in front of Krychek's. Scully had frantically worked at the seat belt and was now trying to open the door. Krychek stood empty handed on the roadway as Mulder got out of the car and aimed directly at Krychek. Krychek grinned wildly at Mulder and yelled "Two guys standing in the middle of the road fighting over a woman. You gotta love it." "Shut up, Krychek. I'm tired of your bullshit." Mulder yelled back. "Scully, are you all right?" She managed to open the door and stumbled out. "I'm fine, Mulder." she called out as she approached his car. Krychek watched her go and shouted "Where're you going, Dana? He's no better than me. He's just the one with gun and the badge. He doesn't love you, Dana!" Mulder handed Scully the keys to remove the cuffs. As she rubbed her wrists, she called back "I don't need his love, Alex. And I don't need yours either." She climbed into Mulder's car and Krychek started to move towards her. Mulder raised the gun and Krychek froze. "So help me Krychek, if you go near her I'll kill you where you stand." Mulder growled. "Mulder, it's me." He goaded Mulder saying, "You can't just walk away like this. I demand justice, a chance to show you the real truth." "Chill out, Alex. Have a drink. Skinner and others will be here soon." Mulder glanced over at Scully and their eyes locked together for a moment. "Are you sure you're all right?" he asked quietly. She exhaled deeply and replied "I-I just have to find myself again. Thank you, Mulder, for coming back for me. It wasn't part of the plan-" "-But maybe it was a part of our destiny." Mulder finished. Just then he saw Krychek make a run for this weapon, across three lanes of traffic. A car struck him and his body flew over the hood. Instinctively, Mulder worked his way across the road to see how badly he was injured. As Mulder leaned over the limp body, Krychek turned over and pointed his gun point blank at Mulder's head. "I told you. We're not finished yet." he gasped in pain. Mulder look at the barrel of Krychek's gun, then looked at the blood pouring from his body and said quietly "You're right. I still believe you want something from me. Maybe it's the desire to know the real answers, to understand power, to find justice. It's the same reason you love Dana. We can both die here on this bridge, or you can let us help you so we can finish this." Mulder slowly reached out and took the gun from Krychek's grip. Just then Scully joined them with a first aid kit from the car. Krychek laid back and smiled. "Oh, hi Dana. Mulder and I were just discussing the meaning of life. I think we agree that life is the art of believing." Scully did a quick exam of the injuries and had Mulder put pressure on the bad bleeders. They carefully moved Krychek off the road and continued to care for his wounds when Skinner and the others arrived. Police cars, ambulances and government agents quickly swapped the scene. As they loaded Krychek in the ambulance, Mulder gave Scully as satisfying hug. Then he escorted her back to his car, guiding her gently with his hand resting on the small of her back. _____________________________ Mulder's narrative: "Krychek lived and was taken into custody but mysteriously vanished from his prison cell one night. Maybe some aliens abducted him to show him the real meaning of life. More likely the CIA or some secret government agency no one's ever heard of, has him in training to be a double agent. He 'll show up again someday. We still have some unfinished business. "Apparently, who ever Krychek was working for was being protected by the CIA only no one ever told Gage. What did Krychek say about the left hand not knowing what the right hand was doing? Gage and his agents were reprimanded and drummed out of the service although I suspect he's got the job of training Krychek. Conspiracies don't always manifest themselves as crimes. Sometimes they're labeled as `justice.' "Who as trying to kill Scully and me? As far as I can tell, everyone. Scully says I'm paranoid but I'm always reminding her that just because your paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not after you. "Scully was reinstated on Skinner's recommendation. She has to complete some refreshers and re-certify with her weapon, but I for one, can vouch for her aim. It's a rough transition for her after being in Krychek's world for so long but she's tough. The best part is she doesn't ever have to be ashamed of what she does for a living. And in case you're wondering, NO, we never became lovers. There was too much history between us in those few days to feel comfortable as anything but friends. Of course, I always have hopes for extreme possibilities. "As for me, I'm still waiting to officially get my badge back. After all, unlike Scully, I really was a screw-up. Skinner assures me it will happen soon and so far he hasn't let me down. In the meantime, he's been using me a consultant, a profiler for the Behavioral Science Unit, my old stomping ground in the Bureau. They still call me `Spooky' and everyone whispers behind my back but they never fail to call me on a tough case. "Skinner promised me one more thing. When I get reinstated, he'll reopen the X-Files. Just to make sure I don't get out of control again he wants to assign a partner to work with me. Someone with a scientific background and good field experience in forensics. Someone who's not afraid to say what she thinks, honestly and truthfully. Someone dedicated to the job and who can put up with me. Someone like Special Agent Dana Scully. We'd really finally be partners. I could just kiss that bald head of Skinner's. "So `A' leads to "B' leads to `X' leads to the end. Or the beginning, depending on how you look at it. I look at it a lot, especially when my convictions waver and my faith fails me. I remember what I learned from Scully and Skinner, and even Krychek. Trust yourself, trust your partner and never stop believing that the Truth is Out There." END __________________________________________________ A basically useless story that at least justifies seeing "Playing God" more than once... Please send any comments and feedback to shinkai@mlode.com or attack my fanfic archive at http://www.mlode.com/~shinkai/fanfic/xffanfic.htm Story Notes: -Krychek comes across more like "Raymond Blossom" than Mulder as "Eugene Sands" because Krychek doesn't really have a likable side, although we can imagine one if he wasn't always being hunted down, beaten up and betrayed. -Mulder angst plays well but I traded aspects of Eugene Sands' drug addiction for Mulder's preoccupation with sex. -Scully is Scully after making a bad decision and letting it get worst. -Skinner is one of the good guys because he needs help them and to act as counter point to Gage. -Gage in the movie was an FBI agent, but here he works better as CIA, and although the FBI and CIA do occasionally work together, the power play depicted is not realistic (I hope.) -Louis is based on Louis Cardinal, the man to killed Melissa Scully and shot Skinner Where credit is due... -The Mulder/Jake negotiation was inspired by the Duane Barry negotiations -The Mulder/Scully conversion outside the nightclub is based of a scene from the pilot. -The "Scully-shoots-Mulder" bits are based on `Anasazi' -Mulder's dreams of Scully-loosely based on scenes from "One Breath" and "Tooms"