Title: Kyrie Eleison: Misericordia Dei (1/3) Author: Xenith E-Mail address: xenitha@yahoo.com Rating: PG Archiving: Sure, just let me know first. Category: SA Spoilers: Thru 6th season Keywords: Mulder/Sc friendship, Mulderangst Summary: Mulder decides to go after Bailey and arrest him, even though he is warned that to do so will mean his death. Feedback: Yes! Yes! Please send me feedback!!!!! I live for feedback! I WRITE for feedback!! DISCLAIMER: I don't own the X Files or any of its characters and make no profit from this story. The X Files are Chris Carter's.and 1013 Productions' property. Any resemblance between any character, organization or evil mental health clinic cited herein is purely coincidental and unintentional. Note: The title is translated from the Latin as "The Mercy of God". This piece is the final part of a 3 part series: Kyrie Eleison and Christe Eleison are the first two stories. They are both archived at Muldertorture Anonymous (www.muldertorture.com) and at Xemplary (www.xemplary.com)--currently in the new stories sections. I'd advise you to read those first, because this story begins immediately after Christe ends. Misericordia Dei PART 1 May 21 U.S.C. Hospital 9:30 p.m. Mulder lay in his bed, rejoicing quietly. The doctor had finally confirmed it, his CAT scan readings were normal. He had been stuck in this hospital for days, even though he had felt more or less normal within 24 hours of Scully's unorthodox "treatment", giving him the antidote to the consortium's mind control drugs. But Scully and the doctor had argued that he shouldn't be released until his brain activity showed normal, so here he was. Fidgeting. His hyperactive mind wandered inevitably back to the events of the past months. God, how he wished he could forget all of it. He ran his hands over his face, remembering his time as Paul Bailey's victim. The physical torture had been bad enough, but after the hospital, when Mulder had seemed to see Bailey, everywhere, but nobody else did. And nobody had believed him, not even Scully. He turned the television remote to "off" and lay back in the bed. He'd been refusing the sleeping pill offered by the nurse each night, still afraid to sleep. The nightmares had gotten better, but they still weren't gone. Mulder gritted his teeth. That bastard Krycek had set him up. He'd staged all of Mulder's visions and recreated his worst fears, recruiting Bailey himself to help. Mulder shivered. Bailey had been promised Mulder's death for his reward. But Krycek hadn't delivered, instead opting to kidnap Mulder into a consortium mind-control project, as a human lab rat. Mulder still wasn't sure why the consortium had wanted him out of their way, preferably in a locked mental ward somewhere. But he was bound to find out just as soon as he finished another errand. "Hey, partner." A bright voice called from the door. Mulder looked up and saw Scully holding two large sacks emitting a wonderful smell. "If that's Chinese food, I'm yours for life!" he said fervently. Scully grinned and pulled out a container of hot and sour soup. "Is that a threat or a promise? I couldn't stand the face you made over dinner, so I thought I'd give you a decent meal. There's also mu shu pork, fried rice and szechuan beef in here. What do you want first?" Mulder grinned back. "Whatever I can eat fast before the nurses take it away... Gimme that!" He reached for the carton and began rapturously eating soup. Scully set the remainder on the side table, removed some chopsticks from the sack and began delicately eating szechuan beef. "So, any more memories come back?" Scully asked between bites. Mulder frowned and stared into his soup carton, his appetite suddenly diminished. "Yeah, some...." His voice trailed off into silence. Scully examined him with veiled concern, but kept it light. "Well, you're bound to remember things gradually. It's only a few days you're missing, after all." "No, that isn't the problem." Mulder set the carton on the table. "I remember it all. And I don't want to." "What is it you don't want to remember? You want to talk about it?" Scully put her own food down. Mulder looked troubled. "What I recall is being scared, and running for my life from everybody....running for my life from YOU. You...looked like somebody at the clinic who gave me the treatments. And when I saw you, I saw her. I'm sorry Scully." "I thought it must be something like that." Scully said calmly. "Mulder, you weren't yourself. So, why don't you finish your soup. You're still underweight, you know." Mulder smiled. "Okay, Mom. I'll eat my dinner." He began eating again, then spoke casually. "So...any word on Bailey?" Scully eyed him sharply, but Mulder just kept eating. "No. No sign at all. They never found a body in the ruins of the building, but they're still sifting through the wreckage. He's probably dead, under tons of concrete." "No...he's not." Said Mulder. "I've been remembering more about the time after the quake. There was a point where Bailey had me cornered. He was dragging me into an empty building, when Krycek showed up and saved me." "Krycek!" Scully put her carton down and moved closer to Mulder. "What happened?" Mulder gave a humorless laugh. "Bailey started to struggle and while they were busy with him, they didn't pay attention to me. I ran like all the demons of hell were after me...." His eyes darted nervously around the room. "I guess they were. As I ran away, they were all piling on top of Bailey. Then they started running after me." He finally met Scully's gaze. "I know that Bailey is alive, and that he's still out there, somewhere." He paused, then swallowed hard. "I've been thinking a lot about what it means, that he's still out there somewhere. I feel like...I'm not really safe. Like I have to keep my gun with me just in case. The nightmares are dying down, but I still jump at strange noises, startle at things I see out of the corner of my eye. I'm starting to wonder when all this will end. It's been weeks since I could just BE somewhere without being on edge." Scully nodded. "Yes. I know exactly what you mean. After Duane Barry, and especially since that bridge and Cassandra Spender, I've had...concerns...that they might decide that they aren't done with me, that they want me back for more tests." Scully felt the back of her neck with her right hand. "I worry sometimes that I might go to bed one night and wake up the next day in a train car." She put her hand on top of Mulder's. "I don't think that you really get over it, but you learn to live with it." Mulder grabbed her hand and laid the palm of his other hand against her cheek. "I wish you'd told me about your...concerns...before this. Scully, I can promise you this. If you ever do wake up in that train car, just remember that I'll be coming for you. Nothing and nobody would stop me from finding you. Ever." Scully smiled tentatively and replied softly. "Well, the same goes for Paul Bailey, Mulder. He'll have to go through me and my gun to get to you. I'll be there to guard your back, any time you need it." Just then, Mulder heard the nervous sound of a throat being cleared. Both agents sprang apart and turned to find A.D. Skinner standing uncomfortably in the open doorway. "Good evening, Agents. Mulder, I understand that you're to be released tomorrow. Congratulations. I stopped by to give you your plane ticket and to ask whether you've reconsidered my offer of some extra medical leave." Skinner came over to the bedside and put a one-way ticket to D.C. onto the nightstand, next to the open carton of Chinese. "I've brought the leave request form, in case you decide you'd like some more time off. I think you've more than earned it." Mulder picked up the papers. "Thank you sir. I'll considered it, but I'd really like to get back to work if I can." "Well, Agent Scully and I will be here at 10:00 tomorrow morning to pick you up. You can let me know your decision then. Otherwise, you should get a good night's sleep. I'm confident that your backlog of cases hasn't diminished in your absence." Skinner grinned at his agents and walked through the room door. "Now that is an indisputable Truth, Mulder." Scully smiled, trailing after Skinner. "I'll see you tomorrow morning. Good night." Scully waved at him as she left, closing the door behind her. Mulder was left alone with his dinner and his thoughts. Too bad the thoughts were so sour, he considered. He leaned back against the pillows and mulled over all that he hadn't told Scully. He remembered everything, all right, especially a conversation he'd overheard between two orderlies early in his captivity at the clinic, while they discussed the 'other' facility in Roseville. Mulder had spent the empty hours scouring his memories of everything that he'd seen and heard after waking up at the Harrison clinic, and would bet money that Bailey was at that Roseville clinic. He grimaced. How like Krycek to exchange one lab rat for another. You lose Mulder, well, you still have Bailey to condition into the perfect consortium killer. In any case, that gave Mulder a place to start looking. Yeah, Mulder concluded yet again, if I don't find Bailey and know where he is, I'll be looking over my shoulder for him for the rest of my life. God help me, I could shoot somebody by accident, I'm so jumpy. Gotta find him and put him away for good. And I can't let Bailey stay loose. The old Bailey is a sadistic murderer, but who knows what Krycek and his merry band will turn him into? And if I have a chance to shut down that whole damned mind-control project, so much the better. Mulder pondered his conversation with Scully, realizing that he couldn't bring her along. No, she'd already done her time as a test subject. The possibilities, between Paul Bailey and Krycek were just too dangerous. And besides, he reminded himself, I don't have a choice. I have to do this, or I'll never be free again. Even without Paul Bailey phoning me, or Krycek messing with my mind, I still have trouble sleeping....and coping. The panic attacks are better, but not gone, and I still dream about Bailey and what happened. I just...can't let this go on. Scully'd just worry about me. And if anything happened to her...God, I don't think I could stand it. No, I go alone. May 22, 10:00 a.m. U.S.C Hospital Skinner and Scully drove in together. While Skinner headed for the front desk, Scully sought out Mulder's room, but found it empty. She went back to the front desk to find a bemused Skinner reading something from an envelope. "What is it, sir? And where's Mulder?" Scully asked, beginning to be concerned. "He left the papers asking for additional leave, and a short note." Skinner handed it to Scully, whose eyebrows raised as she perused it. "'Gone camping. Sorry for the last minute, but I'll see you in two weeks. Mulder.'" Scully examined the handwriting of the note. Yes, it was Mulder's and it didn't look written under duress. "Excuse me, but did you see who left this note at the desk?" Scully asked the nurse. The nurse grinned. "He said you'd say that. Yes, Mr. Mulder wrote that out in my presence at 7:00 this morning when he checked himself out. He said to tell you he wanted some time alone and not to worry about him." "That sounds like Mulder." Said Skinner. "Well, Scully, are you ready to fly back to D.C.?" Scully was frowning and still giving the note suspicious looks. Mulder had never ditched her before to take a vacation. And as far as she knew, Mulder didn't camp. "Sir, if it's okay with you, I'd like to take some vacation time as well. I've been thinking about visiting my brother and his family in San Diego." Scully looked up and found Skinner's face softening. "Of course, Agent Scully. This time hasn't been easy for you either. Take all the time you need. I'll see you back in Washington when you're rested." Scully dropped Skinner at the airport and went to return the car, then thought better of it. Where to go now? She had a niggling feeling that Mulder was getting himself into something over his head, but maybe just this once he really was just on vacation. She really had no proof that he planned anything else, and this kind of impulsive, last minute decision was typical of Mulder. She shook her head and decided to go to San Diego after all. She pulled the rental onto Highway 101 and reached for her cell phone to call Bill and Tara to let them know she was coming. May 22, 9:00 p.m. Holiday Inn, Roseville California Mulder let himself back into the room. His preliminary survey of the area surrounding the Maidu Mental Health Center had been fruitful and a bit disappointing. This wasn't going to be easy. Roseville was about thirty minutes from Sacramento, in a hilly, rural area. The Center sat on a rocky hill with no underbrush or tall grass, and was surrounded by a perimeter fence topped with barbed wire. It was accessed by a secure gate manned by two alert-looking security guards. Mulder had noted holsters at the hips of both men. In the nine hours Mulder, hidden by a fortuitous bush, had trained his binoculars on the entrance no traffic had either entered or exited. He had to conclude that even a jack-rabbit would find it difficult to get in. To make matters worse, the Center sat in a remote valley off Highway 80, only reachable by a narrow, two lane country road. Nobody was likely to disturb its occupants, or to be disturbed by the sound of gunfire coming from the facility. Mulder put the binoculars down on the table and turned on the room light. He jumped back and reached for his gun when he saw the man sitting by the window. Then he stopped, recognizing him. "What on earth are you doing here?" He asked. The man grinned. "Sorry I startled you. It wasn't intentional, but I can see as well in the dark as in light, so I kinda forget that others need the lights on." Michael Bailey got up and went to shake Mulder's hand. To Mulder's surprise, Bailey's ghostly (or angelic, or whatever he was) hand was warm and firm. Mulder let go Mike's grip and examined his own hand as if checking for spiritual residue. Mike's amused grin broadened, then he sat back down and motioned for Mulder to do the same. Mulder sat nervously at the table. "Don't get me wrong or anything, but should I be seeing so much of somebody who is...." Mulder groped for the word. "Dead? It's ok, Mulder, it doesn't embarrass me. And don't worry, I'm not an omen or anything. Actually, I'm here to help if I can." Mulder gave Mike an innocent look. "Help with what? I'm on vacation." Mike looked Mulder straight in the eye. "Like Hell you are. You can lie to Scully and Skinner, but I know you're here to find Paul. If you aren't careful, you're going to get yourself killed." Mulder's eyes narrowed. "So what else is new? You know the kind of monster Paul is. He can't be allowed to remain free, to hurt anybody else again..." Mulder looked away from Mike's searching eyes. "But that isn't all, is it?" Mike asked gently. "Paul terrifies you. And you know that you have to face him, or live in fear of him for the rest of your life." Mulder looked up. "It just doesn't go away. And he keeps reappearing in my life, but always on HIS timetable, when I don't expect him. This time, I call the shots. And I'm bringing him back to stand trial." "Or you'll die trying." Mike said flatly. "Is that what you want? Do you really want Scully laying wreaths on your grave?" "You leave Scully out of this!" Mulder flared back. "This doesn't involve her, just me and your brother!" Mike gave Mulder a look of mixed exasperation and incredulity. "How can you think that anything you do doesn't inevitably involve her? How do you think she'll feel when she finds out she's been ditched again? And don't you realize how much you need her to guard your back? You're twice as reckless on your own than when she's there to make you focus on safety." Mulder gritted his teeth and said very slowly and carefully. "You are saying that I should have told Scully about this trip, recruited her to sneak into a consortium test facility, ask her to risk being taken and experimented on AGAIN, or maybe have Paul take a stab at slowly torturing her to death." Mulder suddenly deflated, visualizing what he'd just said. "No, I can't do that. If I do nothing else, Scully stays safe." Mike sighed. "Mulder, the simple fact is, that you're going to get killed unless she's here to pull your ass out of the fire. I don't know how and I don't know why, I just know, ok?" Mulder gave Mike a puzzled look. "I thought you guys knew everything?" Mike smiled. "Not everything. Many more things than I did, but I'm not omniscient. This time I can see the trend of future events, without specifics, and this one doesn't look good." "So why don't you play avenging angel and just zap whoever's going to kill me?" Mulder found himself more fascinated than afraid by this conversation. Mike shook his head. "Doesn't work that way. I can advise, listen, inspire, coach, teach, persuade, but I can't act. That would be interfering. You make your own decisions and your own life." "Sort of like a heavenly prime directive, huh?" Mulder asked with a grin. "Yeah. It's a bitch, but it's necessary." Mike nodded. "I honestly can't say I'm sorry you're going after Paul, for reasons of my own. He wasn't always the monster you've experienced." Seeing Mulder's attentive look, Mike went on. "When we were kids, he was just my dorky little brother. We played, fought, we were normal, you know? But my dad died when I was eight and Paul was five, and Mom re-married. Wayne was...an evil man." Mike shook his head. "And he hated Paul from the first day he met him. I think Paul looked too much like Dad, while I took after Mom. Anyway, Wayne never missed a chance to torture Paul, and I do mean torture. One night Paul forgot to finish his chores, didn't feed the cat...and do you know how Wayne punished him?" Mike stopped and seemed to be gathering himself. He went on. "Wayne took our cat, Paul's cat, and strangled her while Paul and I both watched. Then he gutted her, skinned her and nailed the pelt to the shed wall to show us that we wouldn't be allowed to keep any possession we didn't take care of. And...to teach us to finish what we started." Mike smiled ruefully at Mulder's expression. "It only got worse after that. I tried to shield Paul, but Wayne worked nights and Paul was only in school half-days. Paul always had bruises and cuts and later, burns. I didn't report it because, well, you just didn't back then. Everybody's dad whupped them sometimes, you figured it was normal. Except that Paul changed. As he got older, dead animals started turning up over the neighborhood. When I was 12, I caught him torturing the neighbor's cat, treating it just like Wayne had treated our cat. When the police came, I confessed, because I knew that Wayne would kill Paul if the cops took him to Juvenile Hall. Wayne was mad at me, but he didn't do anything to me. Paul was his target." "And later? Did you know about the serial killings? The children Paul killed?" Mulder asked quietly. Mike shook his head. "No, I didn't. When the cops arrested me for the killings I knew it had to be Paul, but I just couldn't turn him in. I told the police it wasn't me, and left it at that. I just couldn't do that to my brother. And I had his promise that he'd never, ever do it again." Mike looked at Mulder with regret. "Obviously I was wrong, Mulder. I'm so sorry all this had to happen to you. And I'm even sorrier that it isn't over yet." "Do you mind my wanting to take Paul to jail?" Mulder asked gently. "No, not at all. Besides, you know that the greatest danger isn't that Paul goes to a jail. I saw what they were trying to do to you. What kind of monster do you suppose Paul will become at their hands? He never asked for this, any of this. He's sick, and tormented, but they'll take away what's left of the little kid who tagged along behind me." Mulder eyed Mike's solemn expression. "Well, all the more reason for what I'm doing, then. But I'm not involving Scully. Absolutely not. She's been through Hell because of them, and I won't drag her in for another round. Misericordia Dei PART 2 May 23, 1:00 a.m. Residence of Bill Scully, Jr., San Diego Scully awoke abruptly, conscious that she was not alone in the her brother's guest bedroom. She tensely recalled that she'd left her gun in her suitcase, and cautiously propped up one eyelid. A glowing figure of a man sat at the foot of her bed. Even though the room was dark, she could still see his face clearly as he studied her with a pleasant expression. "I know you're awake, Dana. You might as well open your eyes. Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you." Scully opened her eyes wide and sat up, scooting back in the bed as far as she could. "Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my bedroom? And how do you know my name?" She studied him carefully, with the feeling that she'd seen him somewhere before. "I'm a friend of Mulder's. My name's Mike Bailey." As Scully's eyes widened, he added, "Yeah, THAT Mike Bailey, Paul's brother." "But...you're dead. Aren't you?" Scully felt a sense of unreality that she was having this conversation at all. Must be dreaming...gotta be a nightmare, these things just don't happen. Do they? "Well, yeah, I'm dead but it isn't as bad as you'd think. Look, I know that all this is making you really uncomfortable but I wouldn't have bothered you unless it was important." Mike began, but Scully interrupted. "Mulder really was talking to you that night in the Westin, wasn't he? It wasn't just some fake apparation provided by Krycek and his buddies?" Scully was beginning to get the feeling that maybe, just maybe this really was happening. Mike gave her a look of compassion. "Yes, I really was there, and we really did talk. Not that he listened much to what I had to say. I can understand your frustration with him. He really is a stubborn man. Which brings me to the purpose for my visit. Mulder needs you, or he's going to get himself killed." Scully became all business. "Why? What's he done?" "He isn't really on vacation. He's determined to locate and arrest Paul. Trouble is, Paul is at the consortium's new test facility in Roseville, under heavy security. Mulder's been surveilling the place all day, and refuses to let anybody help him." Paul shrugged helplessly. "I take it, you've already spoken to Mulder about this" Mike nodded. "What's your involvement? Excuse my bluntness, but if, as you say, you're dead, why do you care?" Scully gave Mike her best FBI interrogator's glare. "Dana, just because I'm dead doesn't mean I stop caring about the ones I love. Paul's my brother and I don't want him to become a consortium assassin. And Mulder...well, I kind of keep an eye on him. And with his track record, he needs somebody watching out for him." "And the danger? Why am I so important?" Scully leaned forward, then lurched suddenly at Mike, trying to throw him off the bed and restrain him. To her suprise, she dove forward, passed through his body and landed on the floor in a pajama'd heap. She pulled herself into a sitting position and looked up incredulously at Mike who was obviously trying to restrain his fit of laughter. "Believe me now?" He asked. Scully nodded dumbly. He went on. "Well, I can't read the future exactly, but there's a nexus point coming up when Mulder will lose his life unless you're there to protect him. I don't know the details, just that he won't survive unless you're there. And I know Mulder. He doesn't take adequate safety precautions when he's working a case alone. He'll be more careful with you along, if only to safeguard your well-being." "Okay. I'm convinced. Where is he?" Scully got up and turned on the light. She pulled her suitcase off the floor and, opening it, began to pack. "In Roseville, California, at the Holiday in. Roseville's near Sacramento. You should get there as fast as you can. As soon as he figures a way in to the facility, he'll be trying to break in. I know he plans to go back tomorrow morning." Scully heard a tap at the door. She went over to open it, and found Bill standing there with a baseball bat in hand. He stepped into the room, examining it for intruders and looked through Mike Bailey. "Dana, are you all right? I heard a noise. You ok?" Bill put down the bat and noticed the suitcase. "I'm fine, Bill, but I have to leave. I'll call a taxi to take me to the airport. Could you or Tara return the rental for me? I have to get the next flight for the Sacramento area." Bill's eyes narrowed. "I didn't hear a phone ring. Is that idiot partner of yours dragging you into something again? Can't you just let him go it alone this time without bailing him out?" And endangering yourself, he added silently. "No, the phone didn't ring. I just have a...feeling...that I need to be there. I'm sorry, Bill, but I guess I'll have to cut the visit short." Scully looked searchingly at her big brother, pleading for understanding. "Ok, Dana. Have it your way. But I'm driving you to the airport. At least that way I can be sure you get there safely. Let me know when you're ready to go." Scully nodded and turned to see that Mike Bailey had disappeared. She shrugged and resumed her packing, mentally wondering at her own apparent comfort with extreme possibilities. May 23, 8:00 a.m. Holiday Inn, Roseville Scully knocked on the door to room 23. She waited for several minutes, then quietly checked to be sure that she wasn't observed, and picked the lock. Inside the room was a typical Mulder-mess. Clothing was draped on the chairs and the remains of a cold pizza languished on the table, but he was gone and so was his weapon. Scully looked for more clues to his whereabouts but found nothing. Mike hadn't given her the name or location of the new facility, and she found herself at a loss. "He's gone off to the clinic to watch it some more." Mike Bailey's voice came from behind her. Scully jumped and turned around. "Damn, you startled me." She said breathlessly. "Do you know where he is? Can you help me find him?" Mike nodded. "I always know where he is. Get in the car. I'll show you." Scully got into her rental car and began following Mike's directions, taking Highway 80 east into the hills. She vaguely found it funny, not to mention weird, that she was taking directions from a ghost...She looked at Mike in the passenger seat, out of the corner of her eye...ghost or something, she amended. Mike directed her to a turn off and soon she found herself at the end of a long driveway. She saw a car parked off the driveway, hidden by low trees and underbrush. She slid the rental in next to it and walked over to the other car. Empty. She found Mike standing next to her, disconcertingly transparent. "Come on, I'll show you where he is." Mike said and led the way up a narrow trail. Scully checked her holster for her gun, and followed as quietly as she could. She came upon Mulder, crouched behind a bush, intently watching a building on a hill through high-power binoculars. The leaves under her foot crunched as she approached and Mulder jumped as though he'd heard a gunshot. He was turning and reaching for his weapon when he saw that it was Scully. He grinned in relief and sank back. "Scully. God, you had me scared." Then he looked at her more suspiciously. "Why are you here? How did you know where to find me?" Scully slid in next to him, behind the bush. "A friend of yours came to visit me and insisted that I come along." She turned to stare at him. "Why didn't you tell me about Mike Bailey?" Mulder's face turned an interesting shade of crimson. "Uh, because I didn't think you'd believe me?" Scully glared at him and Mulder continued. "Well, yeah, you generally don't believe me anyway...but this was just too much. When I...died...in the hospital I had a near death experience, and Mike was there." Mulder's eyes went distant. "He offered me a choice, you know, heaven and every question answered, or my life back, with all its complications. You can figure out what my choice was. I didn't realize just how...complicated... my life was going to get. Afterward I was too wrapped up in recovering and physical therapy to tell you about it. Later, in the hotel you already were having some serious doubts about my sanity and I couldn't see any point in adding to your worry." Mulder smiled, hurt and pain in his eyes. "And after I ended up in the hospital with abnormal CT scans, it didn't seem the right time to discuss it with you." Scully was silent for a bit. "I'm sorry, Mulder. I know it's been hellish these past months. It would have been easier to just give up the fight. But I'm glad you didn't. So, let's end this. How do you propose to get Bailey out of there?" Mulder sighed. "Damn it Scully, I didn't want you along on this. Bailey's a torturing, murderous bastard and I can't face the thought of him endangering you." "So that's why you ditched me with that fake camping story?" Scully smiled gently. "Mulder, you know I can't *not* be there if I think you're about to do something stupid. And I'd rather be with you trying to prevent it, rather than calling the ambulance for you after you've already done it. I'm not going anywhere. Besides, remember the promise I made you in the hospital. It still stands." Scully reached out a hand. Mulder gave her the binoculars in resignation. "It looks quiet." She said after a few minutes. Mulder sighed. "That's the trouble. It is quiet. No traffic at all yesterday and none today. The fence is electrified and has no openings and there's so little underbrush, a ground squirrel couldn't make it up that hill unobserved. And that doesn't account for the internal security." As they watched a blue car climbed the long driveway. Scully gave a low whistle. "Well, there's activity now. Guess who's driving that car? Our old friend, Krycek." They watched as Krycek was stopped at the gatehouse, then waved on through. Mulder grinned and borrowed the binoculars back from Scully. "I think I know how we're getting in there." 12:00 noon Mulder's Taurus had been moved to the end of the Center's driveway, partially concealed by trees. Mulder sat in the rear passenger seat, training the binoculars on the gatehouse while Scully, in the driver's seat, munched on one of the sandwiches Mulder had brought. "Scully. It's time." Mulder said tensely. "He's coming through the gates." Scully put the sandwich down and started driving slowly along the road leading back to Highway 80. Soon a blue car moved in behind them. Scully could see that it was driven by Krycek and that he was alone. "Now!" Said Mulder and Scully firmly turned hard left and braked so that both lanes were blocked. Before the car came to a stop, Mulder jumped out from the passenger's side door and ran to the driver's window of Krycek's car. Krycek found himself looking into the nose of Mulder's gun and then up, at Mulder's wolfish grin. "Ok, give me the keys." Said Mulder. Krycek quietly complied. "Now slide over." Krycek moved into the passenger seat. Scully parked the Taurus at a wide spot and got into the blue car, taking the seat behind Krycek. Mulder's grin became even more feral when she pulled her gun and held it firmly at the back of Krycek's neck. "Well, now everybody's here." Said Mulder. "You are going to help us get into the clinic and if you so much as breathe wrong, Scully will shoot you." Krycek's eyes flickered to the rear-view mirror and saw Scully's determined look. "Scully wouldn't shoot me. She wouldn't kill in cold blood." Scully grimaced. "Like you killed Missy? And who says my shooting you would be in cold blood?" She cocked her gun and pressed it against the back of Krycek's head. Krycek winced. "Ok, I'll get you in. By why do you want to go in there? You only just managed to escape from one just like it." His eyes widened. "You want Paul Bailey, don't you?" Krycek flashed a look at Mulder, who had started the car and was turning it around. Krycek began to grin. "You just can't live with the fact that he had you screaming for mercy and you haven't been able to face him since. Kinda does something to your manhood, doesn't it? Powerlessness?" "Shut up." Said Scully in a low voice. She pushed the gun hard against Krycek's head. Mulder said nothing but continued driving, his face set and eyes unreadable. They rode in silence to the gatehouse. The guard looked disinterestedly at Mulder and Scully once Krycek's credential had been examined and Krycek ahd glibly explained that he had run into his old colleagues and brought them back to tour the center. They parked the car and began walking toward the main building. "I have a gun on you and so does Scully, so don't try anything." Mulder said. "Wouldn't think of it." Said Krycek and led them through the door. After more glib explanations from Krycek at the desk they took the elevator to the basement where they found Paul Bailey's room. As they approached, Mulder could feel his stomache knot in anticipation. No, he reminded himself, gotta face him. Gotta be free of this... "You want Paul Bailey? Well, here he is." Said Krycek and opened the door. The room was windowless, made of featureless cement block and bore a disturbing resemblance to the place Mulder had been kept at the Harrison Clinic. Mulder forcibly set aside the memory and flipped the light switch. A rumpled Paul Bailey tried to sit up in his hospital bed. Bailey turned confused and childlike eyes toward Mulder. "Please...I don't want another treatment....I'll be good. I promise." Baily whispered softly and edged back against the headboard. "So Mulder, here is your monster. You want to kill him now? Or save him for later?" Sneered Krycek. Mulder handed Scully the gun and walked slowly into the room. He crouched by the bedside and spoke softly. "Hello. I'm not here to give you a treatment; I won't hurt you. Do you remember how you got here?" The man in the bed shook his head. "I don't remember anything before I was here. Just being here and having the...the treatments. I don't like the treatments...They hurt." Mulder studied the man silently for a few seconds. "What do they call you?" "My name's Paul. I remember that much.." The man smiled anxiously. "You sure you're not gonna make me take a treatment?" Mulder stood up, decided. "No, Paul, we aren't. How would you like to leave here and not have any more treatments? Would you like to go with us?" "Oh yeah, I'd like that a lot. But what's your name?" Paul got out of bed and reached out his right hand to shake Mulder's. Mulder slowly returned the gesture, then clasped Paul's hand firmly. "Mulder. My name's Mulder. And this is my friend Scully." Mulder gestured toward Scully. She flashed a reassuring smile at Paul and made sure her gun was hidden behind Krycek's back. When Paul saw Krycek, he drew back in alarm. "No, I know that man. He's bad! He's the one who took me here." Paul backed away from Mulder and climbing back onto the bed, began to huddle against the headboard again. Mulder approached carefully. "That's fine, Paul. He isn't my friend either. We're making him get us out of here. Do you want to go with us?" At Paul's nod, Mulder went to the closet and found street clothes. "Here, get dressed and we'll go." Mulder turned away and moved close to Krycek."How many treatments has he had?" Krycek stared at Mulder with a bland expression. "He's had all but the final one, which will imprint the new personality. You know he'll die if he doesn't get either an antidote or the completed treatment." Krycek paused and folded his arms. "Or do you care if he dies? Here's the man who tortured you for what? Twelve hours? And he's at your mercy, Mulder. No more fear. No more nightmares. No more checking the crowds to see if he's there. If he dies, you're free." Krycek's voice lowered to a seductive murmur. Mulder jerked. He grabbed the front of Krycek's shirt. "And just what do you get from this, you bastard? I become a murderer, just like you! Well it doesn't work that way. I don't work that way." Mulder backed away from Krycek and walked over to Paul. "Paul, are you ready to go?" Mulder asked gently. Paul nodded and preceded Mulder from the room. In the hallway Mulder held his gun on Krycek and demanded. "Where are the chemicals for the treatments and Paul's file?" Krycek shrugged and pointed to the door across the hall. At Mulder's nod, Scully went inside. She soon came out with a manila folder, a handful of diskettes and a paper sack. She packed them into her briefcase. "I've got it, and their research on imprinting personality. Krycek's right, Paul is at the final stage of the treatment, when the last dose is given and the new personality is impressed." "Good." Mulder grinned. "That's one less killer our friend Smokey has at his beck and call. Let's get out of here." Mulder's gun on Krycek got the four of them past the front desk Mulder was just beginning to breathe easily as they walked toward the car, when Krycek threw himself backward against Mulder, yelling and grabbing for the gun. Mulder began to struggle with Krycek, never letting go of the gun. Scully ran towards them, Paul following close at her heels. She could hear shouting from the gate area and saw a guard, gun in hand running toward Mulder and Krycek, taking aim at Mulder's exposed back. "Mulder! No!!!" Scully propelled herself forward and pushed Mulder away just as the bullet ripped into her body. Mulder landed flat, Scully on top of him. He rolled over and found himself looking into her startled blue eyes. She mouthed something, but no sound came out. He was conscious of blood flowing through her clothing, soaking the fine cotton of her blouse. Before the shock set in, he noted that there was no exit wound. The bullet must still be lodged in her. Mulder felt the ground beneath him squirm...no, he'd landed on Krycek. Good. Mulder lifted the gun and hit Krycek on the back of the head. Then put his arm under Scully's shoulder and began to drag her toward the car. "Here, let me help." Said Paul, and scooped up the fallen briefcase, then helped support Scully's other shoulder. Together, they put Scully and Paul into the back seat. Mulder started the car and gunned it toward the gates. Guards scattered as Mulder plowed through the closed gates. He didn't slow down until they were well on their way to the freeway. "Paul, how is she?" Asked Mulder anxiously. "She's still alive, Mulder, but she's bleeding pretty bad. Poor lady." Paul had taken off his shirt and held it to Scully's back to stanch the blood flow. Mulder tried desperately to remember what hospitals there were in the Roseville area. He didn't think there were any big ones close by, certainly none with a trauma center. He glanced back in the rear-view mirror at Scully's pale, still face. And at Paul's, filled with concern. Well, the closest big city likely to have a trauma center is Sacramento. He pulled his cell phone from his jacket and dialled 911. Gotta get some help here, but I don't dare stop driving; Gotta get her to a hospital, can't wait. Scully might die...Oh God, if she dies it's because of me. She took my bullet. She took my bullet...is this what Mike meant when he said she had to be there? Misericordia Dei PART 3 May 24, 6:00 p.m. Sutter Hospital, Sacramento Mulder sat quietly in the chair he'd made his own, a growing pile of sunflower seed shells gathered on the floor beside him. Scully had been whisked into surgery when they arrived and he hadn't seen her since. As it had turned out, Sacramento was the closest trauma center; Mulder was grateful he'd made the right decision and kept on driving. He glanced over to the chair opposite. Paul slumped in his chair, asleep. He'd been unwilling to leave Mulder's side, seeming to find comfort in Mulder's presence. Mulder sighed. Great. He had just adopted a serial killer...but try as he might, he just couldn't see the demon of his nightmares in Paul's bewildered face. And he just couldn't hate him, or fear him any more. "How's he doing?" Asked a voice next to him. Mulder turned to find a familiar figure in the next chair over. Mulder shrugged. "As well as can be expected. I called Dr. Dietzel. He's the closest thing we have to an expert on these 'treatments'. He's coming out and bringing a friend who's a psychiatrist. They'll take the files, the chemicals we got and will try to help Paul somehow." Mike leaned toward Mulder. "Well, I have to thank you for saving my brother. You didn't have to do it. I'm grateful to you." Mulder turned cold eyes on Mike. "I wish I could say the same to you. I've been sitting here, waiting to find out whether my partner will live or die. And the only reason she was there in the first place is because you talked her into it. She was safe until you sought her out. You forced her out there, to take my bullet!" Mulder got up and folded his arms, then began to pace. "Is my life worth so DAMNED much that she has to die for me?" Mike was quiet for a second. "Mulder, I told you everything I knew. I only knew there was danger to you and that she could save you. I didn't know anything more than that. I...don't know why things like this happen. I only know that she came of her own free will. Yes, I persuaded her, but it's no different from the other times she's come after you and pulled your ass out of the fire." Mulder stopped, inches from Mike's ethereal face. "Yes, this time it's different. This time she got shot and I had to hold her in my arms while she started bleeding to death. This time, I had her safe but she ended up in danger anyway." Mulder turned away. "My f***ing black cloud. Everybody I care about dies, or gets taken away. The best I can do for her is try to keep her out of danger. And see what a great job I did today!" "You didn't chase her away." Mike said calmly. Mulder grimaced. "That never works. Once she's on a case she's stubborn. The best I could do was give in gracefully and try to watch her back. But you knew that." Mulder stopped his pacing and stared at Mike. "So, I'll tell you what you are going to do for me. I've read about miraculous healings all my life. You say you're grateful to me about Paul? You're my guardian angel or something? I say all this is your fault, for interfering. You owe me one." Mulder pointed toward the double doors where they'd wheeled Scully. "You caused this, you cure it." Mike's face looked troubled. "I don't know if I can do anything, this isn't my usual sort of..." He sighed. "Okay, I'll try. But you know it's not up to me." "Yeah." Mulder's smile was a grimace. "It never is." Mike evaporated and Mulder took his seat again, wondering if he should pray. No, why start now? If anything, he was pissed at God, at the consortium, at the justice system, at every power on the goddamned planet that conspired to make Mulder's life a torment. If Scully could just be okay.... Mulder looked up to see two men enter the waiting room. Dr. Dietzel he recognized from his own stay in the hospital. Mulder rose to greet him. "Mulder, I'd like to introduce an old friend of mine, Dr. Arthur Jennings. He's the psychiatrist I told you about." Dr. Jennings shook Mulder's hand. He was a paunchy man in his late fifties, balding, with a short fringe of reddish hair. "I'm pleased to meet you, Agent Mulder. With Dr. Scully's permission, I read over your medical file and was fascinated by effects of these so-called mind-control treatments. I'm looking forward to trying to help this young man." Jennings looked at Paul with interest. Paul opened his eyes and stared back, warily, at Dr. Jennings. Mulder handed Dr. Dietzel the briefcase. "All the data we've been able to gather is in here." Dietzel took the briefcase and both doctors went to the far end of the room and were soon absorbed in its contents. Eventually Mulder wandered over to see what they'd found. "Well," Dr. Jennings summed up. "You have a choice. Either we administer an antidote and the suppressed memories and personality return, or we give the final treatment and impose a new personality." He looked at Mulder. "I'm not certain of the ethics in this case. I see from the Maidu Center file that Paul has a criminal past, and was quite disturbed." Mulder nodded. "You should also know that in his previous life Paul was a serial killer with over ten people on his slate. I can provide the criminal files if you need them, but it won't be a kindness to him, or the the rest of society, if you restore his old memories." Dr. Jennings frowned. "Agent Mulder, are you asking us to program this man with a socially acceptable personality? That doesn't seem much different that what his kidnappers were planning." Mulder was silent. "That's...not a question I can answer. I was one of his victims, but I was rescued before he could kill me. I also know what it's like to lose yourself, bit by bit, through those treatments.... Does a sadistic murderer have the right to remain a sadistic murderer, even if a way can be found to involuntarily change his proclivities? He doesn't have living family to make this decision for him. But do I have the right?" Mulder looked into the distance, then laughed a little. At the doctors' questioning looks he added "I just never thought I'd be making medical decisions for Paul Bailey." Mulder looked over at the bewildered looking man, still seated in the chair. "Give him back himself, as much as you can. But try to cure the homicidal monster. I don't think it was ever his choice to be that way." The three men walked back to Paul and both doctors were introduced to him. At Jennings' suggestion, the two doctors and Paul went to the far end of the waiting area and talked quietly. Mulder could feel Paul's eyes on him, begging for reassurance. Mulder nodded at him and smiled, then resumed his wait. A few minutes later, a doctor with a chart came into the waiting room. Mulder immediately rose to meet him. "How is she?" Mulder begged anxiously. The doctor smiled. "It's amazing how well she's recovering. Although she was in shock and bleeding severely when you brought her in, miraculously the bleeding slowed and we were able to bring it under control very easily. The bullet's out and although we anticipated some severe internal damage, we actually found very little when we performed the surgery. She's a very lucky woman." Mulder grinned. "Can I see her?" "She's in recovery. When she's moved to a room, we'll call you and you can go sit with her." Smiling, the doctor went back the way he came. Mulder gave the news to Dr.'s Dietzel and Jennings. Paul was overjoyed. "I'm glad she's getting better. I owe her one for getting me out of there. And you too, Mulder." Paul added shyly. "The doctors say you called them, to help me with my memory, that I should go with them. Should I?" Mulder felt vaguely uncomfortable. "Paul, before you were at the Center, you were very mentally ill. The same treatment that took your memory seems to have helped the illness. If you could choose to be well, but have no prior memory, would you do it?" Paul looked troubled. "Did I have family? A wife? Kids? Do you know who I was?" Mulder took a deep breath. "Yes, I know who you were, but you don't want to know. You have no living family, and when you were sick you hurt a lot of people, me included. If you go back to what you were, you could start to hurt and kill people again, then you'd have to go to prison. This is another chance for you." As Mulder finished, he was vaguely aware that Mike had reappeared and was standing next to him. "Come on, Paul. Go for it! You can have a new life, finally get a chance to do it right!" Mike urged. Paul stared into space and through Mike, then answered thoughtfully "I think I can lose the memories, if they're that unhappy. I don't want to hurt anybody." Mulder added "Paul, you have to know, this means one last treatment. But I can promise you it's the last, and you won't be strapped down." "Will you be there?" Paul asked quietly. "Yes, if you need me to be." Mulder was quietly amazed at the direction his life had taken, but suddenly he felt as though a hundred pound weight had lifted off his soul. He wasn't afraid anymore. And he had a feeling he'd seen the last of these nightmares, at least. "Mr. Mulder?" Mulder turned to find a nurse at his elbow. "Ms. Scully is in her room and awake. She'd like to see you." Mulder spared a glance at the group of three, no four men clustered in the corner of the waiting room. Mike was listening closely to Dr. Jennings' explanations to Paul. Mulder waved to Mike, who waved back, followed by an absent gesture from Dr. Jennings. Mulder felt, as he usually did in hospital rooms, like a St. Bernard dog touring an antique store. He moved carefully to Scully's bedside, dodging equipment and finally landed in the side chair with relief. Scully watched him with a glowing smile. "Hey, how ya doin'?" Mulder asked. "I was going to bring you some sunflower seeds, but the nurse frisked me on the way in." "That's ok." Scully grinned. "It would clog the tubing, and I won't say which." Scullys stretched. "I must say that I feel much better than I usually do when I land in the hospital. The doctor says I'm making a very good recovery thus far." "Oh, I'm confident that you'll have a very swift recovery." Mulder smiled mischievously. Scully frowned. "Your friend Mike didn't have something to do with this, did he?" Mulder nodded and smiled even more broadly. "Yeah, I blackmailed him into healing you. I gave him an ultimatum in a language that a Catholic angel has to understand." Scully looked puzzled. "Love?" Mulder's smile grew soft. "Guilt." Scully grinned. "Come on, Mulder, you admit he's an angel. Does this mean I'll be taking you to mass on Sundays now?" "I dunno, Scully...Maybe if you go with me to the strip club on Saturday night we could work something out?" FINIS EST.